Mayawati was born on 15 January 1956 at Shrimati Sucheta Kriplani Hospital, New Delhi in a Hindu Dalit family. Her father, Prabhu Das, was a post office employee at Badalpur, Gautam Buddha Nagar. The sons in the family were sent to private schools, while the daughters went to “low-performing government schools”. Mayawati studied for her B.A. in 1975 at the Kalindi Women’s College and obtained her LLB from the Campus Law Centre, part of the University of Delhi. She completed her B.Ed. from VMLG College, Ghaziabad. In 1976. She was working as a teacher in Inderpuri JJ Colony, Delhi, and studying for the Indian Administrative Services exams, when Dalit politician Kanshi Ram visited her family home in 1977. Rest as we know is history.
Mayawati is a self made woman who rose in status to become a Dalit icon through the dint of her own hard work and intelligence. Her political achievements apart, she became a symbol of hope to millions of Dalits all over the nation. When the history of modern India is written she will not be a mere foot note but a heroic figure. No one can take that away from her. Sure she has her faults but before criticizing her one must remember that when she started out, she was a Dalit, an untouchable and a woman. Three biggest stumbling blocks in India. To start from there and reach where she is now is a monumental achievement.
Mayawati’s chart

Highlights of the chart
- Chandra Kundli is much more powerful than Lagna Kundli. Lagna Lord Saturn in the eleventh and tenth lord Venus in the second house create a powerful Raj Yog.
- In Chalit Bhav Kundli, Saturn and Jupiter are both exalted. Their Dashas will give the results of exalted planets.
- Saturn and Mars are placed in Pushkar Navamsa which enhances their ability to give favorable results.
- Sun is Vargottam but not fully strong. It indicates financial issues cropping up from time to time. Sixth lord Jupiter in the second only adds to the problem.
- In the Janma chart, eleventh lord Venus in the eighth house is not good for financial success.
- Yog Karak Mars is strong but placed with eighth Lord Saturn
and Rahu in the fifth house. This reduces Mars’s ability to give
promised results. In Panchdha Maitri Chakra, Saturn and Mars are bitter
- Mars wins the planetary war and gives good results. His union with eighth Lord Saturn and Rahu spoils the Raj Yog.
- Retrograde Jupiter in the second house will not give good results pertaining to finances and acquisition of ruling powers as he is primarily the lord of sixth house.
- Seventh lord Saturn placed in the fifth with Mars and Rahu prevents marital happiness. It also gives health issues connected to reproductive system.
Mayawati was born in Dhanishtha Nakshatra which gives a razor sharp intelligence and encyclopedic knowledge.
There is strong bedrock of spirituality in people born in this
Nakshatra and they would never think of harming any one by thought, word
or deed. They are patient people and always reserve their
judgment or disagreements till the end. This however doesn’t mean that
others can wrong them and get away with it. Revenge is prompt and
certain. If something cannot be avenged immediately, it is filed away.
But one can rest assured that retribution will eventually come.
They are self-reliant persons and want
to make their mark by the dint of their own hard work. They have a drill
sergeant attitude towards life. Everything is well ordered and runs
like clockwork.
As mentioned above they are a highly
intelligent persons and capable of attaining really high education. They
are highly secretive by nature and do not reveal their plans to anyone.
Any senior post, which requires secrecy and good administration, is fit
for the Dhanishtha born. They are quick witted and in an argument are
miles ahead of others.
We shall now study the Lagna,
second, fourth, seventh, ninth and tenth houses as they directly pertain
to acquisition of power and its application to governance.
Lagna chart gets a Bhav Bal of 470 units
and is very strong. Lagna Lord Moon although strong in Shadbal is
without any Paksh Bal and completely unfavorable. Saturn and Ketu aspect
on Moon is not good for Ms. Mayawati.
In Chandra Kundli, Lagna is very strong
with 519 units. Lagna Lord Saturn is also very strong with 151% of
required strength. Saturn makes a Raj Yog with fourth lord Mars placed
in his own Rashi in the eleventh house. Tenth lord Venus in the second house makes her fortunate and helps her rise very high in life.
Mayawati will enjoy good health
and remain a strong leader of the downtrodden masses. No one can take
that away from her. She will remain a permanent star on UP firmament.
The second house
The second house rules over the ruling powers, stored wealth, face, voice and domestic happiness.
It is adequately strong but not overly so. It gets a Bhav Bal of 432
units. The second lord Sun is 98% strong and mostly unfavorable. This is
a problem which needs to be sorted out. There may be dearth of money
from time to time which in politics can become a serious threat.
In the Chandra Kundli, Saturn becomes
the second lord and is placed nicely in the eleventh house. Saturn is
strong and very beneficial but its close Yoga with Mars is not welcome
as it brings bad health. Mayawati will be lucky with respect to
real estate. The Chandra Kundli strong in terms of finances and
alleviates the problems caused by weak sun in the birth chart.
Rahu is placed in the eleventh house in Chandra Kundli but he falls in Nidhanamsha and spoils the earning potential.
The second lord Sun in the birth chart
is weak and Saturn aspects it. Saturn carries the aspect of Rahu and
Mars with it. In Chandra Kundli, The second lord is connected to Rahu
and Mars. The speech is therefore rough and acidic. There is
absolutely no polish and sweetness in it. While this may be okay with
her close supporters, it puts off the general public that watches her on
TV. This is a major public relation failure. She absolutely must work
on her voice, tonality, diction and content.
Fourth house
Fourth house is moderately strong with
419 units. Its lord Venus is also adequately strong and overall
beneficial. Placement of Venus in the eighth house is not helpful at all
but since it falls in Putramsha it becomes somewhat helpful.
In Chandra Kundli, the fourth house gets
437 points and its lord Mars gets 124% of the required Shadbal. Both
are good. Mars is neutral as far as its behavior is concerned. Overall
the fourth house is satisfactory. Under favorable transit and
Dasha-Bhukti Mayawati will get a gratifying response from the public.
Seventh house
In political terms, the seventh house
represents how a leader is regarded by the masses. One may call it the
public relation ability of a leader. The seventh house in the Lagna
chart gets 519 points and is very strong. The seventh lord Saturn is
also very powerful in Shad Bal and benign. In Chalit Bhava
Saturn becomes exalted, and its good results will be available whenever
the Bhukti of Saturn operates. Saturn is afflicted by Mars which
reduces the good results.
In the Chandra Kundli, too the seventh
house is very strong and the so is the seventh lord Moon. Moon however
suffers from the defect of almost zero Paksh Bal. Saturn and Ketu both
aspect Moon. This has serious ramifications for smooth running
of public relations machine. There will be hiccups and it will
occasionally sputter to a stop.
If we relate these findings to
her personal relationships, one thing that emerges clearly is that there
is no happiness in that area.
The ninth house
This house rules over religion, spirituality, higher knowledge, favors from government, wisdom, fortune, philosophy, righteousness and kingdom. The lord of the ninth house Jupiter is retrograde and placed in the second house. In the Chalit Bhava Jupiter is exalted. However Jupiter primarily gives the results of the sixth lord as the Mool Trikon Rashi falls there.
The Bhukti of Jupiter will bring personal gains to Mayawati but mostly
Jupiter’s role will be restrictive as far as finances are concerned.
Jupiter is placed in Vyayamsha so it would be futile to expect much
wealth from it.
In the Chandra Kundli, the ninth
house is very strong and its lord Mercury is placed in the Lagna
itself. This indicates that the native is a self made woman and will
earn much money through her own efforts.
The overall results are satisfactory but the image of Mayawati as floating in a sea of wealth would be a figment of imagination.
The tenth house
The tenth house from Lagna is strong
though not overly so. Its lord Mars is powerful, a Yog Karak but neutral
in its behavior. Mars union with Rahu and Saturn is bad overall.
In the Chandra Kundli, tenth lord Venus
goes to the second house in a friendly sign Aquarius. Venus is strong
and beneficial. The lord of second house Saturn is placed in the
eleventh with the eleventh lord Mars. This is a nice linkage and helpful
for getting ruling powers. The Bhukti of Venus will always prove
Mercury-Venus runs until
19/9/2018 and indicates that Mayawati should be able to get a fair share
of the UP assembly seats. More clarity will emerge after the poll dates
are published as the third level of Dasha will then be known.
Jupiter transits to favorable ninth house on 11/8/2016. This is a helpful transit and blesses her with financial
benefits. profession flourishes and one gains status and fame. One
meets success everywhere. There is also a distinct leaning towards
Jupiter transits over the 64th Navamsa from Moon from 25/7/2016 to 12/8/2016. This is a very beneficial transit and will help her both personally and politically.
Saturn transits to the unfavorable twelfth house from Moon on 26/1/2017. This actually begins the Sade Sati for Mayawati. Saturn has the Paya of iron and brings domestic
troubles and unhappiness. Losses in business and profession, unsound
health and strained relations with relatives are likely. Enemies will
create troubles.
Transits over Bhrigu Bindu
Rahu transits over this point from
23/4/2019 to 3/8/2019. This is going to be a tough time for her. Health
issue may bog her down, politically too its a period of extreme tension.
Mayawati should wear a genuine
Basra pearl – 7 to 10 carats – in a silver ring on the little finger of
her right hand. In this case, the bigger is better.
She would also benefit immensely by wearing a seven Carat red Burmese Ruby in a gold ring on the ring finger of her right hand.
A seven carat coral worn in a silver ring on the ring finger of her left hand will also help tremendously.
Propitiation of Saturn and Rahu will remove most of the problems from her way.
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Rajiv Sethi
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