Continued from previous Blog.....
Free medical astrology article on relationship of colors, chakras and disease.
Chakras are not only the points at which the causal-astral-physical bodies are stitched together, they are also the centers for distribution of Prana. Prana is the cosmic energy that keeps us alive. No Prana equals a dead human being. It is Prana that keeps the plumbing, pumping, filtration, aeration and excretory systems of our bodies going.
Consider the case of a perfectly healthy human who dies because of some reason. His body organs are healthy, and it should theoretically be possible to revive him by connecting him to machines that mimic different body functions. That however does not happen. We all know that departure of Prana from the body and death are final and irrevocable. They are also synonymous.
The Prana enters our bodies like an electric current through Medulla Oblongata (A point just where the spine meets the brain) and travels downwards through the spine. Different Chakras then send it to different organs where it is used up to power them.
Our main body organs like stomach and intestines, liver, kidneys, reproductive and execratory systems are closely bunched together. Together these require a huge amount of Prana. To make it available, there are three Chakras clustered together. These are Mooladhar, Swadhishsthan and Manipuri.
Heart is one of the more important organs of our body and is allocated one chakra (Anahat) solely for its own use. Speech is how we express ourselves and use the cosmic energy for our own use. The speech apparatus therefore also gets one Chakra (Vishuddh) to draw Prana from.
When a Chakra becomes clogged due to improper living regime, its ability to supply Prana efficiently to the connected body parts gets impaired. The reduced quantity of Prana has a direct effect on the well being of that organ. If this continues for a sufficient length of time a disease develops in that part of our body.
The Chakras can have impaired functioning due to other reasons as well. The Karma carried over from past lives can damage one or more Chakras and cause multiple health issues.
We saw earlier that each Chakra has a particular energy signature. The rate of vibration of Prana in each Chakra is different and this causes different Chakras to have varied colors. This gives us a hint as to how a color can be used to cleanse a Chakra and make it healthy again.
Let us first of all consider Mooladhar Chakra. It is red in color and is ruled by planet Mars. It rules over vitality, self confidence and inner courage. It also rules over adrenal gland, urinary system, colon and hip region. If Mars is heavily afflicted in the horoscope, this chakra will suffer and consequently disease will develop in the organs associated with this Chakra. The remedy will be to increase the color red in that person’s life to bring it back to normal.
Red color can be increased in several ways. One can simply wear predominantly red clothes. A better way is to drink water which has been kept in a crimson colored glass bottle and exposed to the Sun for eleven days. Exposure to infrared lamp or an ordinary electric bulb covered with red cellophane will also do the trick.
People suffering from lack of self confidence and indecisiveness benefit very well if exposed to red and orange colors. Orange is especially good for stomach complaints as also depression.
To be continued. . . . . . . .
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
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Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
So you think colors don’t affect you? Part I
Free astrology article on colors, planets and how they relate to astrology.
To be continued……
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
The Hindu concept of creation of our universe is radically different from those prevalent in other parts of the world. Hinduism believes that the universe springs forth from the primal energy “Aum” which condenses into matter in three steps.
The first step is the idea phase of the manifested and unmanifested universe and is basically nothing but a conception of what the world needs to be in the mind of the divine and universal intelligence. This first phase is called the causal body and is nothing but an idea.
In the second step this idea goes a step further and becomes a detailed structure in the mind of the divine being. It is as yet an idea but a more focused one. This is the astral body of that idea.
In the third stage the focused idea gets converted to tangible universe which we can experience with our five senses. This is the physical body of the original idea.
Consider for example a person who wants to produce a microchip that will work faster than all other chips manufactured so far. This concept stage is the causal body of the new chip. In the next stage he goes to his computer and carefully maps the placements of electronic circuits which will give it the required blazing speed. Finally after a few months he comes out with a blue print capable of leaving all competition behind. This is the astral body of the chip. Finally the engineers take a wafer of silicon and etch the blueprint of the circuits on it. This finished microchip is something we can see with our eyes and feel with our sense of touch. This the physical body of the microchip.
Every thing that we see around us was once a gleam in the idea of its inventor and passed through concept, blueprint and production stage before it came to us.
Human body too has three stages but in addition it has an entity which Hindus call ‘Atman’ or soul. Soul is the tiny spark of the infinite being and is encased in successive layers of the causal, astral and physical body. Soul being a part of infinity is infinite itself but since most of us choose not to focus on its divine origin, we fail to harness its real power.
The causal, astral and physical bodies in the case of conscious creatures are joined together at seven points which are called chakra. These are named as Mooladhar, Swadhishsthan, Manipur, Anahat, Vishuddh, Kutastha and Sahastrara chakras.
Each of these chakras has a color associated with it.
The first step is the idea phase of the manifested and unmanifested universe and is basically nothing but a conception of what the world needs to be in the mind of the divine and universal intelligence. This first phase is called the causal body and is nothing but an idea.
In the second step this idea goes a step further and becomes a detailed structure in the mind of the divine being. It is as yet an idea but a more focused one. This is the astral body of that idea.
In the third stage the focused idea gets converted to tangible universe which we can experience with our five senses. This is the physical body of the original idea.
Consider for example a person who wants to produce a microchip that will work faster than all other chips manufactured so far. This concept stage is the causal body of the new chip. In the next stage he goes to his computer and carefully maps the placements of electronic circuits which will give it the required blazing speed. Finally after a few months he comes out with a blue print capable of leaving all competition behind. This is the astral body of the chip. Finally the engineers take a wafer of silicon and etch the blueprint of the circuits on it. This finished microchip is something we can see with our eyes and feel with our sense of touch. This the physical body of the microchip.
Every thing that we see around us was once a gleam in the idea of its inventor and passed through concept, blueprint and production stage before it came to us.
Human body too has three stages but in addition it has an entity which Hindus call ‘Atman’ or soul. Soul is the tiny spark of the infinite being and is encased in successive layers of the causal, astral and physical body. Soul being a part of infinity is infinite itself but since most of us choose not to focus on its divine origin, we fail to harness its real power.
The causal, astral and physical bodies in the case of conscious creatures are joined together at seven points which are called chakra. These are named as Mooladhar, Swadhishsthan, Manipur, Anahat, Vishuddh, Kutastha and Sahastrara chakras.
Each of these chakras has a color associated with it.
Chakra | Color | Location | Ruling planet |
Mooladhar | Red | Coccyx | Mars |
Swadhishsthan, | Orange | Genital | Mercury |
Manipur | Navel | Sun | |
Anahat | Smoky Green | Heart | Venus |
Vishuddh | Smoky Blue | Throat | Jupiter |
Kutastha | Transparent White | Between Eyebrows | Saturn |
Sahastrara | None | Top of cranium | Ketu |
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
How is February 2010 for you? Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces
Free Vedic astrology February predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Jupiter transits the second and Saturn the ninth for the whole of February. Mercury, Venus and Mars, transit the Lagna, second and seventh house respectively. Jupiter’s transit through the second house brings in wealth and prosperity. If other factors so indicate, auspicious occasions like child birth or marriage may take place. Retrograde Saturn in the ninth has the potential to bring about sudden inescapable expenses. Mercury’s transit through Lagna demands that you be very careful in your speech. You may be misunderstood with regrettable consequences. Venus gives repeated gains of money and improved health. Sensual comforts and new apparel/ornaments are also likely this month.
Jupiter and Venus transit the Ascendant. Mercury moves through the twelfth house, Mars the sixth and Saturn remains throughout in the eighth house. Saturn in the eighth causes financial difficulties but this is countered by Venus in the Lagna, where she increases comforts and financial gains. With supportive factors in the horoscope marriage and birth of progeny are likely. Mercury gives mostly unfavorable results and so does Jupiter. Mars in the sixth brings about gains of money and status. Opposition becomes powerless during this transit. Overall money supply remains satisfactory. Try to curb impatience and moodiness. Driving needs care. Self control is the key to happiness in this and coming months.
Venus and Jupiter transit the twelfth while Saturn continues his journey in the seventh house. Mars moves through the fifth and Mercury through the eleventh house. Venus gives happiness, comforts and prosperity. In addition, there are opportunities to indulge the senses fully and possible acquisition of some article connected to luxury. Jupiter’s transit through the twelfth house gives results opposite to that of Venus. The over all picture that emerges is that of financial freedom which is tempered by domestic worries and delay in execution of projects.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Jupiter transits the second and Saturn the ninth for the whole of February. Mercury, Venus and Mars, transit the Lagna, second and seventh house respectively. Jupiter’s transit through the second house brings in wealth and prosperity. If other factors so indicate, auspicious occasions like child birth or marriage may take place. Retrograde Saturn in the ninth has the potential to bring about sudden inescapable expenses. Mercury’s transit through Lagna demands that you be very careful in your speech. You may be misunderstood with regrettable consequences. Venus gives repeated gains of money and improved health. Sensual comforts and new apparel/ornaments are also likely this month.
Jupiter and Venus transit the Ascendant. Mercury moves through the twelfth house, Mars the sixth and Saturn remains throughout in the eighth house. Saturn in the eighth causes financial difficulties but this is countered by Venus in the Lagna, where she increases comforts and financial gains. With supportive factors in the horoscope marriage and birth of progeny are likely. Mercury gives mostly unfavorable results and so does Jupiter. Mars in the sixth brings about gains of money and status. Opposition becomes powerless during this transit. Overall money supply remains satisfactory. Try to curb impatience and moodiness. Driving needs care. Self control is the key to happiness in this and coming months.
Venus and Jupiter transit the twelfth while Saturn continues his journey in the seventh house. Mars moves through the fifth and Mercury through the eleventh house. Venus gives happiness, comforts and prosperity. In addition, there are opportunities to indulge the senses fully and possible acquisition of some article connected to luxury. Jupiter’s transit through the twelfth house gives results opposite to that of Venus. The over all picture that emerges is that of financial freedom which is tempered by domestic worries and delay in execution of projects.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
How is February 2010 for you? Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius
Free Vedic astrology February predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Mars transits the tenth house, Jupiter the fifth and Saturn the unfavorable twelfth. Mercury moves to the fourth house on sixth and will remain there until February 26th. Saturn in the twelfth started your Sade Sati on September 09 last year. The financial constraints created by that transit will hover in the background. Jupiter in the fifth is very favorable for financial matters and removes the problems produced by Saturn. Children related affairs will bring happiness. Transiting through the tenth house, Mars gives unfavorable results by generating a professional road block. Mercury’s transit through the fourth house blesses you with money. Mother becomes comfortable and gains from real estate are likely in a pending deal. Contact with sophisticated, elegant and well placed persons in society is likely for page three people. Domestic scene remains peaceful.
Jupiter transits the fourth house, Saturn the eleventh and Mars continues in the fourth house during the month of February. Mercury and Venus transit the third and the fourth house in that order. Jupiter is unfavorable in the fourth. Saturn in the eleventh is good for finances and general prosperity. His third house aspect on Scorpio has the potential to create avoidable running around. Mars’s aspect on Mercury heightens the effects of Saturn. Venus in the fourth house makes a pending desire to buy a car find fulfillment. This is a month when a gap between income and expenses becomes a cause for concern. Remedial measures for Jupiter and Mars will prove very helpful.
Jupiter and Venus transit the third, Saturn the tenth and Mars the eighth house in February. Mercury transits the second house until 26th. Jupiter, Saturn and Mars all transit unfavorable houses. Mars in the eighth house gives fruitless hard work and thwarted ambitions. Eyes and the area around anus become disease prone. Gambling tendency causes financial losses. Extreme caution is required when driving. Accidents and road rage related violence is quite possible. Jupiter causes body aches and coolness in relation with relatives. Professional problems, loss of job and money becomes a real possibility. Saturn mirrors the problems caused by Jupiter and adds relationship related issues to the list of woes.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Mars transits the tenth house, Jupiter the fifth and Saturn the unfavorable twelfth. Mercury moves to the fourth house on sixth and will remain there until February 26th. Saturn in the twelfth started your Sade Sati on September 09 last year. The financial constraints created by that transit will hover in the background. Jupiter in the fifth is very favorable for financial matters and removes the problems produced by Saturn. Children related affairs will bring happiness. Transiting through the tenth house, Mars gives unfavorable results by generating a professional road block. Mercury’s transit through the fourth house blesses you with money. Mother becomes comfortable and gains from real estate are likely in a pending deal. Contact with sophisticated, elegant and well placed persons in society is likely for page three people. Domestic scene remains peaceful.
Jupiter transits the fourth house, Saturn the eleventh and Mars continues in the fourth house during the month of February. Mercury and Venus transit the third and the fourth house in that order. Jupiter is unfavorable in the fourth. Saturn in the eleventh is good for finances and general prosperity. His third house aspect on Scorpio has the potential to create avoidable running around. Mars’s aspect on Mercury heightens the effects of Saturn. Venus in the fourth house makes a pending desire to buy a car find fulfillment. This is a month when a gap between income and expenses becomes a cause for concern. Remedial measures for Jupiter and Mars will prove very helpful.
Jupiter and Venus transit the third, Saturn the tenth and Mars the eighth house in February. Mercury transits the second house until 26th. Jupiter, Saturn and Mars all transit unfavorable houses. Mars in the eighth house gives fruitless hard work and thwarted ambitions. Eyes and the area around anus become disease prone. Gambling tendency causes financial losses. Extreme caution is required when driving. Accidents and road rage related violence is quite possible. Jupiter causes body aches and coolness in relation with relatives. Professional problems, loss of job and money becomes a real possibility. Saturn mirrors the problems caused by Jupiter and adds relationship related issues to the list of woes.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
How is February 2010 for you? Cancer, Leo and Virgo.
Free Vedic astrology 2010 predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Saturn in the third house is helpful throughout the year. Same is not true of Jupiter. Yoga Karak Mars is retrograde in the Ascendant and gives needless running around and obstacles in day to day activities. Extra caution is required when driving. People suffering from hemorrhoids have been experiencing increased discomforts and this will ease off only after the end of March. Venus in the seventh house causes disputes with life partner and her health deteriorates. People having an extramarital affairs are in for some tough time as the lid comes off of the relationship.
Saturn in the second is unhelpful for finances. Jupiter in the seventh causes various types of anxieties. Chances of theft exist during this period. Money circulation becomes sluggish. This is a month when caution is required in starting new investments and starting new projects.
There are differences of opinion with progeny. Caution is required in dealings with the opposite sex. This is especially true for men. Money comes in through the help or agency of the life partner.
People with Virgo Moon are plumb in the middle of Sade Sati. Saturn in the lunar Ascendant reduces happiness in relationships. Jupiter in the sixth house creates low vitality. Stomach related problems are likely. Caution is required when dealing with bureaucracy. Venus transits the fifth house and gives general prosperity and financial gains. A get together or a party will be quite enjoyable. You spend on amusements. This is a good period for romance. A journey should be undertaken after due caution. Its success is uncertain.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Saturn in the third house is helpful throughout the year. Same is not true of Jupiter. Yoga Karak Mars is retrograde in the Ascendant and gives needless running around and obstacles in day to day activities. Extra caution is required when driving. People suffering from hemorrhoids have been experiencing increased discomforts and this will ease off only after the end of March. Venus in the seventh house causes disputes with life partner and her health deteriorates. People having an extramarital affairs are in for some tough time as the lid comes off of the relationship.
Saturn in the second is unhelpful for finances. Jupiter in the seventh causes various types of anxieties. Chances of theft exist during this period. Money circulation becomes sluggish. This is a month when caution is required in starting new investments and starting new projects.
There are differences of opinion with progeny. Caution is required in dealings with the opposite sex. This is especially true for men. Money comes in through the help or agency of the life partner.
People with Virgo Moon are plumb in the middle of Sade Sati. Saturn in the lunar Ascendant reduces happiness in relationships. Jupiter in the sixth house creates low vitality. Stomach related problems are likely. Caution is required when dealing with bureaucracy. Venus transits the fifth house and gives general prosperity and financial gains. A get together or a party will be quite enjoyable. You spend on amusements. This is a good period for romance. A journey should be undertaken after due caution. Its success is uncertain.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
How is February 2010 for you? Aries, Taurus and Gemini
Free monthly 2010 predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Jupiter in the eleventh and Saturn in the sixth are extremely favorable. Mars is transiting the fourth house while Sun is moving in the tenth house. Mars’s transit through the fourth house increases the number of opponents. There is a dearth of money and other articles of daily use. Real state related issues crop up and domestic life becomes full of strife. Fever, chest related complaints and blood disorders can suddenly flare up. Mother’s health suffers and once mindset becomes violent and cruel. Sun in the tenth house gives opposite results, and blesses you with money, good health, and company of friends. He also gives smooth relations with state officials and people of status. A promotion if due takes place and a generally prosperous period gives happiness. Chanting the Mars Mantra OM KRAM KREEM SAHA BHOMAYE NAMAHA 108 times every day will prove very helpful as will observing a fast on Tuesday. If you can control the negatives generated by Mars, the month can turn out to be very productive.
Venus transits the favorable ninth house but remains combust due to close proximity of Sun. She then moves to the favorable tenth house on February 07 and gets in the same sign as Jupiter. Venus’s presence in the tenth house enlivens the professional scenario and brings to fruition some stalled projects. She blesses you with some income as well. Jupiter in the tenth and Saturn in the fifth house are unfavorable and it is highly recommended that the remedial measures given at the end for these be performed in earnest.
Jupiter transits the very favorable ninth house throughout. Venus joins him on February 07. Presence of two major benefic planets in the ninth house of good fortune is extremely helpful. Jupiter here gives financial benefits. Business flourishes and one gains status and fame. There is success everywhere. Venus in the ninth house from Moon blesses you with improved health. Financial situation shows an encouraging improvement. A permanent benefit accrues. Professional growth through the help of a woman is likely. Auspicious ceremonies at home cause happiness. Friends remain helpful. A journey within the country proves beneficial.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Jupiter in the eleventh and Saturn in the sixth are extremely favorable. Mars is transiting the fourth house while Sun is moving in the tenth house. Mars’s transit through the fourth house increases the number of opponents. There is a dearth of money and other articles of daily use. Real state related issues crop up and domestic life becomes full of strife. Fever, chest related complaints and blood disorders can suddenly flare up. Mother’s health suffers and once mindset becomes violent and cruel. Sun in the tenth house gives opposite results, and blesses you with money, good health, and company of friends. He also gives smooth relations with state officials and people of status. A promotion if due takes place and a generally prosperous period gives happiness. Chanting the Mars Mantra OM KRAM KREEM SAHA BHOMAYE NAMAHA 108 times every day will prove very helpful as will observing a fast on Tuesday. If you can control the negatives generated by Mars, the month can turn out to be very productive.
Venus transits the favorable ninth house but remains combust due to close proximity of Sun. She then moves to the favorable tenth house on February 07 and gets in the same sign as Jupiter. Venus’s presence in the tenth house enlivens the professional scenario and brings to fruition some stalled projects. She blesses you with some income as well. Jupiter in the tenth and Saturn in the fifth house are unfavorable and it is highly recommended that the remedial measures given at the end for these be performed in earnest.
Jupiter transits the very favorable ninth house throughout. Venus joins him on February 07. Presence of two major benefic planets in the ninth house of good fortune is extremely helpful. Jupiter here gives financial benefits. Business flourishes and one gains status and fame. There is success everywhere. Venus in the ninth house from Moon blesses you with improved health. Financial situation shows an encouraging improvement. A permanent benefit accrues. Professional growth through the help of a woman is likely. Auspicious ceremonies at home cause happiness. Friends remain helpful. A journey within the country proves beneficial.
Remedial measures for Saturn
- Chanting of Maha Mritunjaya Mantra is very efficacious during adverse transits of Saturn.
- Chanting of Shani Mantra which is OM PRAAM PREEM PROM SAHA SHANYE NAMAHA. Also proves very helpful. This mantra should be chanted 23000 times in forty days.
- Recitation of Dashrath Stotra or Pipplad Uvaach every day twice a day removes all problems of all adverse transits of Saturn.
- Wearing a ring made from a nail removed from the bottom of a boat, or made from the horseshoe of a black horse (Front right foot) is also very helpful.
- Observing a fast on Saturdays greatly reduces the intensity of this bad transit. One should consume only milk, yogurt and fruit juice. If allergic to milk protein, consume only fruits. The fast should be broken in the evening with a dish of khichri made with boiled Urad Dal and rice.
- On a Saturday, make a dish of boiled Urad Dal (Black lentils), sesame seeds (black), and sugar and bury it in a place where people do not walk. Or
- Bury an earthenware pot filled with honey in a shallow pit.
- Depending upon your devotion and availability of time, chant the following mantra every day at least 108 times.OM GRAM GREEM GROM SAHA GURVE NAMAH .
- Donate the following. Cooked yellow rice, Chana Dal, Turmeric or Haldi, yellow cloth, yellow flowers, yellow fruit, yellow sweets, bronze utensils, salt, raw sugar, Ghee, gold etc.
- Chant the following mantra 18000 times in forty days. OM BHRAAM BHREEM BHROM SAHA RAHVE NAMAHA.
- Every Saturday take a de husked coconut and anoint it with a mixture of black sesame seeds and mustard oil. Wrap it with a small length of red colored un-spun cotton thread (Moli). Move it around your head three times while chanting above mantra then float the coconut in a water body. Do this for at least five consecutive Saturdays.
- Donate a gemstone called Gomed to a needy and poor person. However never wear this gemstone.
- Have a ring made with seven parts gold, twelve parts silver and sixteen parts copper. The ring should be in the form of a serpent. Wear this ring on a Saturday and later on donate black sesame seeds, Urad Dal and a length of blue woolen cloth to the poor.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
No part of this article may be reproduced without the written consent of the author.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Maha Kumbh Omnibus Part III
It is very true that all types of charlatans with an eye for quick profit are found in every Kumbh Mela but these people have existed in the world anyway. The blessings of one real saint are all that are needed to transform one's life. It is a fact that atmosphere in the Kumbh Mela is ethereal and very uplifting. Only those who have experienced it can really understand it.
Astrological preconditions for Maha Kumbh
Allegory apart, the real basis of Maha Kumbh is mathematical and based on astrology. For Maha Kumbh at Haridwar to happen, the preconditions are, that transit Jupiter should be in Kumbh Rashi (Aquarius) and Sun must occupy Mesh Rashi (Aries). The third important condition is that it should be an Amavasya (a no Moon day).
Jupiter is the planet of spirituality and in Hindu belief he is the divine planet whose blessings emancipate one from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
Aquarius is the Mool Trikon Rashi of Saturn, who is the planet without whose permission nothing connected to the three dimensional world can happen.
Aquarius and Jupiter share a unique relationship. Aquarius is the only sign for which Jupiter owns the houses of both income and wealth. Jupiter therefore becomes a special planet of value for Aquarius.
Jupiter takes twelve years to finish one complete round of all twelve signs. He can therefore come to visit Kumbh Rashi only every twelfth year. This is the reason why Maha Kumbh takes place after intervals of twelve years.
For this Kumbh, Punya Kal or the auspicious time for a holy dip in river Ganga starts at sunrise on April 14, 2010 at 0603 Hrs and ends at 1321 Hrs IST.
It is believed that the unique combination of Sun, Moon and Jupiter alters the subtle energy field on earth and makes it possible for the human mind to connect with the divine without any interference.
Things to do on the day of the holy dip
According to the Hindu Karma Kand, (the ritualistic part of Hinduism), one is required to take a dip in the holy waters of Ganga river and offer prayers to Lord Ganesh and Lord Shiva. He should then donate one, four or eleven pitchers of gold, silver, copper or brass filled with pure Ghee to deserving people. The metal and size of the pitcher is dependent upon the discretion of the donor.
One should also donate new clothes, silver or gold ornaments, and offer food to people. This bestows immense merit on the donor. This is the ritualistic part of the process.
It is far more important to sit in a secluded place near Ganga and focus the gaze at the point between the eyebrows and establish a connection with the inner self or soul which in reality is a spark of the stuff the universe is made of.
The Prana should be sent to the Kootastha and then back to Mooladhar in a continuous cycle. Inhalation taking the Prana up and the exhalation down. The cosmic energy distribution on the day of the dip makes this process easy. Maha Kumbh is an extremely uplifting experience and comes but once in twelve years. It should be made full use of for one’s spiritual uplift.
According to Vishnu Puran, a hold dip during the Punya Kal gives the same blessings as do thousands of Ashva Medh Yagya and hundreds of Vajpeya Yagya.
We have nothing to lose except our Karmic debts on that holy day.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Maha Kumbh Omnibus Part II
Rahu and Ketu were two demons who were a little quicker on the uptake than the rest of their bunch. They saw through the guile that had been planned against them. So they dressed themselves as gods and quietly slipped into their line. Their ruse worked and they drank their share of Amrit. Sun and Moon who were standing next to them penetrated their disguise and told Vishnu of what had happened. Vishnu promptly summoned his Sudarshan Chakra (divine weapon) and beheaded both Rahu and Ketu. It worked only partially. It didn’t kill the duo because they had become immortal. Their heads and torsos were separated but they lived, and since that day have become sworn enemies of Sun and Moon. That is why every once in a while Rahu swallows Sun and Moon. But since he has no torso he can’t keep them in his mouth forever, they emerge out of his throat. This is exactly what happens during an eclipse. Sun, Moon and Rahu must come together to cause a solar or a lunar eclipse.
This is what is called an allegorical story. So what is the truth? I can make a guess.
Long time ago, their existed two groups of scientists and intellectuals. One group was green and wanted to keep ecology intact. The other group wanted progress at any cost. The ocean refers to the ocean of universal intelligence and churning to research and development. Meru mountain refers to the height of their intellectual and scientific achievement. Shesh Nag the celestial serpent represents wisdom. Their combined efforts produced genetically modified crops, improved breed of horses and elephants or alternatively invented machines that could replace horses and elephants. The toxic venom refers to the pollution that all this research produced. Finally after much research they invented a drug Amrit that could keep one youthful and increase the life span indefinitely. This is just a modern interpretation of the story with an apology to puritans and hidebound intellectuals.
The origin of this story is lost in antiquity and it has been embellished over the ages but it’s basic premise is still true. Indian civilization is great at turning events into lore and passing these down through successive ages. For the sake of those who are curious, I must mention that the number of these stories is astronomical.
Legend has it that since Rahu and Ketu had tasted Amrit and become immortal they were included in the group of gods and accommodated thus. They are not true gods but only deemed to be so. In reality too, Rahu and Ketu are not real planets but only a mathematical point in space. They are elevated to the status of a real planet because they are so powerful in influencing humanity. Allegory again!!!
Historical need for Maha Kumbh
India is perhaps the only country which has over the eons been blessed by spiritually exalted Yogis and sages. It is their blessings which have kept the civilization of the most ancient country in the world intact in its original form. Other great civilizations slowly decayed and either don't exist or exist in a form which is a much altered version of their original past.
Spiritually advanced people renounce the world and retreat to inaccessible places in Himalayan mountains. They do not want the vibrations of the material world to interfere with their spirituality.
Ordinary humans on the other hand do not have enough inclination or the time to involve themselves in spiritual practices and remain busy in mundane activities to satisfy their desire for Arth and Kaam (money and comforts).
Kumbh Mela is a periodical event where the Yogis come down from their retreats and bless the humanity which goes to the Mela to absorb those blessings.
This is what is called an allegorical story. So what is the truth? I can make a guess.
Long time ago, their existed two groups of scientists and intellectuals. One group was green and wanted to keep ecology intact. The other group wanted progress at any cost. The ocean refers to the ocean of universal intelligence and churning to research and development. Meru mountain refers to the height of their intellectual and scientific achievement. Shesh Nag the celestial serpent represents wisdom. Their combined efforts produced genetically modified crops, improved breed of horses and elephants or alternatively invented machines that could replace horses and elephants. The toxic venom refers to the pollution that all this research produced. Finally after much research they invented a drug Amrit that could keep one youthful and increase the life span indefinitely. This is just a modern interpretation of the story with an apology to puritans and hidebound intellectuals.
The origin of this story is lost in antiquity and it has been embellished over the ages but it’s basic premise is still true. Indian civilization is great at turning events into lore and passing these down through successive ages. For the sake of those who are curious, I must mention that the number of these stories is astronomical.
Legend has it that since Rahu and Ketu had tasted Amrit and become immortal they were included in the group of gods and accommodated thus. They are not true gods but only deemed to be so. In reality too, Rahu and Ketu are not real planets but only a mathematical point in space. They are elevated to the status of a real planet because they are so powerful in influencing humanity. Allegory again!!!
Historical need for Maha Kumbh
India is perhaps the only country which has over the eons been blessed by spiritually exalted Yogis and sages. It is their blessings which have kept the civilization of the most ancient country in the world intact in its original form. Other great civilizations slowly decayed and either don't exist or exist in a form which is a much altered version of their original past.
Spiritually advanced people renounce the world and retreat to inaccessible places in Himalayan mountains. They do not want the vibrations of the material world to interfere with their spirituality.
Ordinary humans on the other hand do not have enough inclination or the time to involve themselves in spiritual practices and remain busy in mundane activities to satisfy their desire for Arth and Kaam (money and comforts).
Kumbh Mela is a periodical event where the Yogis come down from their retreats and bless the humanity which goes to the Mela to absorb those blessings.
In the third installment of this article we shall take a look at what one needs to do in a Kumbh Mela.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Maha Kumbh Omnibus Part I
Maha Kumbh Mela is a stupendous gathering of millions of people from all sections of humanity every twelve years at one of these places - Prayag (Allahabad), Haridwar, Nasik or Ujjain.
This gathering is called Kumbh Mela (fair) because although the major thrust of the Kumbh Mela is spiritual, the temporary city that is set up to accommodate pilgrims is brightly lit and resembles a fairground.
There is a very interesting story about why Maha Kumbh is held. It was part of my Blog on the mythological origins of Rahu and Ketu. That story is the foundation of why Kumbh Mela is held. Here it is once again.
Eons ago, the gods and demons realized that the ocean had a lot of good things concealed underwater. Untold wealth and divine creatures were hidden there, but most importantly there was that divine nectar Amrit which had the power to make them immortal and keep them forever young. This was the ultimate prize and the irresistible desire to win it brought these perennial enemies together.
They wanted to stir the ocean and force it to relinquish its treasures. For this purpose they took a mountain called Meru and used it as a churn. A churn requires a rope to work so they used Shesh Nag, the mythical snake that forms the cradle of Lord Vishnu to turn it.
The churning began and soon all sorts of wealth began to emerge. Horses and elephants with extraordinary powers, all sorts of divine gems, trees with magical qualities all made their appearance. The most wanted nectar Amrit however still eluded them. So they tried some more and then the most poisonous venom came out of ocean and it was so powerful that it could destroy the universe by its fumes. Lord Shiva at that time swallowed this poison and saved the world from certain death. He did not allow it to reach his stomach but kept it in his throat, which turned blue. It is because of this that one of the names of Lord Shiva is Neel Kanth, or one with blue throat.
The churning continued and finally the Amrit Kumbh, (pitcher of nectar) emerged. As soon as that happened, the gods and the demons forgot their newfound friendship and made a grab for the pitcher. The churning stopped and a battle began.
In the melee that followed, Jayant, the son of the king of gods saw the opportunity to steal the Kumbh and made away with it. The demons gave determined chase. Jayant kept running for twelve years and during this time visited Prayag, Haridwar, Nasik and Ujjain and probably took refuge there. Some drops of Amrit spilled out of the pitcher and fell in these places. These places became sanctified and to celebrate the event a Mela is held every twelve years.
Finally the demons got hold of fugitive Jayant and a battle began between the two factions.
Both sides were equally powerful and would have annihilated each but for wily Lord Vishnu who made his appearance in the form of a woman of most surpassing beauty and allure. So attractive was she, that for a moment everybody forgot about fighting and had only one thought in his mind - have her at any cost!
That most gorgeous woman addressed the motley crowd and pointed out to them the fallacy of their ways. If they kept fighting and the pitcher broke, then that will be the end of it. So she told the gods and the demons to segregate and form a line so she could distribute Amrit equally to everyone.
Here was a rare case of beauty and brains talking in tandem so everyone agreed. They formed a long line with the gods occupying the first half and the demons the second. Now the farthest thing from wily Lord Vishnu’s mind was equal distribution of Amrit. It was his plan to give it only to gods. Once that was done the demons couldn’t do anything as gods would have become immortal by then.
This gathering is called Kumbh Mela (fair) because although the major thrust of the Kumbh Mela is spiritual, the temporary city that is set up to accommodate pilgrims is brightly lit and resembles a fairground.
There is a very interesting story about why Maha Kumbh is held. It was part of my Blog on the mythological origins of Rahu and Ketu. That story is the foundation of why Kumbh Mela is held. Here it is once again.
Eons ago, the gods and demons realized that the ocean had a lot of good things concealed underwater. Untold wealth and divine creatures were hidden there, but most importantly there was that divine nectar Amrit which had the power to make them immortal and keep them forever young. This was the ultimate prize and the irresistible desire to win it brought these perennial enemies together.
They wanted to stir the ocean and force it to relinquish its treasures. For this purpose they took a mountain called Meru and used it as a churn. A churn requires a rope to work so they used Shesh Nag, the mythical snake that forms the cradle of Lord Vishnu to turn it.
The churning began and soon all sorts of wealth began to emerge. Horses and elephants with extraordinary powers, all sorts of divine gems, trees with magical qualities all made their appearance. The most wanted nectar Amrit however still eluded them. So they tried some more and then the most poisonous venom came out of ocean and it was so powerful that it could destroy the universe by its fumes. Lord Shiva at that time swallowed this poison and saved the world from certain death. He did not allow it to reach his stomach but kept it in his throat, which turned blue. It is because of this that one of the names of Lord Shiva is Neel Kanth, or one with blue throat.
The churning continued and finally the Amrit Kumbh, (pitcher of nectar) emerged. As soon as that happened, the gods and the demons forgot their newfound friendship and made a grab for the pitcher. The churning stopped and a battle began.
In the melee that followed, Jayant, the son of the king of gods saw the opportunity to steal the Kumbh and made away with it. The demons gave determined chase. Jayant kept running for twelve years and during this time visited Prayag, Haridwar, Nasik and Ujjain and probably took refuge there. Some drops of Amrit spilled out of the pitcher and fell in these places. These places became sanctified and to celebrate the event a Mela is held every twelve years.
Finally the demons got hold of fugitive Jayant and a battle began between the two factions.
Both sides were equally powerful and would have annihilated each but for wily Lord Vishnu who made his appearance in the form of a woman of most surpassing beauty and allure. So attractive was she, that for a moment everybody forgot about fighting and had only one thought in his mind - have her at any cost!
That most gorgeous woman addressed the motley crowd and pointed out to them the fallacy of their ways. If they kept fighting and the pitcher broke, then that will be the end of it. So she told the gods and the demons to segregate and form a line so she could distribute Amrit equally to everyone.
Here was a rare case of beauty and brains talking in tandem so everyone agreed. They formed a long line with the gods occupying the first half and the demons the second. Now the farthest thing from wily Lord Vishnu’s mind was equal distribution of Amrit. It was his plan to give it only to gods. Once that was done the demons couldn’t do anything as gods would have become immortal by then.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Building a new house? Don't forget these Vastu principles.
Some time back I had written a four part Blog about designing a house using Vastu principles.( That article generated a few queries. The present article is an attempt to answer the questions that earlier Blogs prompted.
- The owner of the house, or the person who has the authority in the house should sleep in the Southwest part of the house. This strengthens his situation as the alpha male. Children of such households do not create temper tantrums. Southwest boosts the power of the persons sleeping there. If children get to occupy this corner, it is natural that they will want to assume control by rebelling against parents.
- The head board of the bed should touch the southern wall and the sleeper’s feet should point to the north. This is an ideal situation and provides restful sleep. If the magnetic lines intersect the body at the right angles, it interferes with the brain waves and results in fitful sleep.
- Vastu frowns upon the combined bathroom-toilet arrangement. The east corner is saturated with positive energy and is best used for purification and meditation. The east therefore should be free from toilets. The bathwater should exit in the northeast direction for best results. The water heater should be installed in the southeast corner. Ditto for HVAC (heating, ventilating, air conditioning) equipment.
- The southeast is known as the fire zone. The Sanskrit name for it is Agneya Kone. Since kitchen requires heat and fire, it should be sited in the southeast corner.
- The best place for the dining room is adjacent to the kitchen itself. If that is not possible, the next ideal alternative is to place the dining table in the south east corner of the living (drawing room)
- In any residential place, the staircase must not be situated in the northeast. It can be placed in any other corner but west and north are better. The stairs should be odd numbered and should always turn to the right, never to the left.
- The exact center of any plot of land should be left unoccupied. This holds good for individual rooms as well. No heavy furniture should occupy the center point of any room.
- People who sleep in the east will usually develop health issues over a period of time.
- The last house in a row of houses (depending upon the house numbers) generally causes unhappiness for the inhabitants.
- Broken furniture, and cracked mirrors should be discarded right away.
- For sustained prosperity, the safe etc should be kept in the south east. It is an extremely good idea to keep some money and semi precious stones in a bowl in the south east corner of the house. Meditation on prosperity at this corner is sure to bring in more money and riches.
- Nine uninterrupted recitals (Akhand Paath)of Ramcharitmanas remove Vastu defects of a house.
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
How is January 2010 for you? – Capricorn - Aquarius and Pisces
Free astrology 2010 Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Jupiter transits the favorable second house while Venus transits the lunar Ascendant. The month is very encouraging for professional and business prospects. Mars’s exalted aspect falls on the Ascendant and boosts self initiative. Sun moves from the twelfth house to Lagna on 14th and causes losses connected to money, reputation, health, and vitality. It brings stomach troubles and high blood pressure. Still, on balance it is not a bad month.
Jupiter transits the Ascendant and enhances your self worth. An elderly person of status is likely to prove helpful. Saturn transits the eighth house and this is not a welcome transit. Money supply becomes restricted and you must watch out for accidents as Mars and Saturn both aspect ascendant. Rahu in eleventh is very helpful financially. Mars is passing through the sixth house and gives good results. Gains of money, copper and gold accrue. The enemies are defeated easily, and one’s stature grows. The overall situation is quite buoyant in January.
Jupiter transits the twelfth house and this may bring about connections with foreign people. Professions connected to overseas markets will benefit. The fourth house becomes highlighted and there might be some changes connected to your home. There might be some expenses connected to your car. Money will come after some initial hesitation. Needless running around and increased expenses keep you on edge. It is an average month transit wise. It May tilt either way depending upon the Dasha-Bhukti (Planetary period) running in the birth chart.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Jupiter transits the favorable second house while Venus transits the lunar Ascendant. The month is very encouraging for professional and business prospects. Mars’s exalted aspect falls on the Ascendant and boosts self initiative. Sun moves from the twelfth house to Lagna on 14th and causes losses connected to money, reputation, health, and vitality. It brings stomach troubles and high blood pressure. Still, on balance it is not a bad month.
Jupiter transits the Ascendant and enhances your self worth. An elderly person of status is likely to prove helpful. Saturn transits the eighth house and this is not a welcome transit. Money supply becomes restricted and you must watch out for accidents as Mars and Saturn both aspect ascendant. Rahu in eleventh is very helpful financially. Mars is passing through the sixth house and gives good results. Gains of money, copper and gold accrue. The enemies are defeated easily, and one’s stature grows. The overall situation is quite buoyant in January.
Jupiter transits the twelfth house and this may bring about connections with foreign people. Professions connected to overseas markets will benefit. The fourth house becomes highlighted and there might be some changes connected to your home. There might be some expenses connected to your car. Money will come after some initial hesitation. Needless running around and increased expenses keep you on edge. It is an average month transit wise. It May tilt either way depending upon the Dasha-Bhukti (Planetary period) running in the birth chart.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
How is January 2010 for you? – Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius
Free astrology 2010 Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. Slow moving planets form the backdrop of the year while the slower planets are the motif on this canvas. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Rashi lord Venus is combust, i.e. is too close to Sun in the first week of January to do any good. Venus represents your thought process and planning. That is likely to be derailed due to combustion of Venus. Retrograde Mars who represents wealth is placed in debilitation in the tenth house of profession. Expect some problems connected to smooth flow of money. However Mars is really never debilitated fully, and Sun who represents income is transiting the third house. You will be able to balance your accounts. Jupiter in the fifth house brings happiness on account of children. Unattached Librans will contemplate a new romance. Jupiter aspects the Ascendant so expect an increase in spirituality. The ninth house is energized so father will play a more important role. A long journey is possible.
Mars the lord of Moon sign is placed in retrogression in the ninth house. Saturn aspects the Ascendant. Some obstacles in your projects is likely. Lord of wealth Jupiter and lord of happiness Saturn is placed in the eleventh house. Money will therefore be available for most of the month. The eighth house becomes active and care should be taken about health. A foreign trip must be carefully weighed for its benefits before taking any decision.
Rahu in the Ascendant causes excitement and anger, but he also blesses you with enhanced status, increase in prosperity, and improved finances. Since Rahu is an enemy of Moon, this period also causes mental tension. Sun, Mercury, and Venus also congregate in the Ascendant so gains of money are very likely. Some long pending plans will see fruition this month. The seventh house of marriage and relationships becomes sensitive. A new relationship or marriage is very likely for people with a favorable Dasha-Bhukti running in their chart.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. Slow moving planets form the backdrop of the year while the slower planets are the motif on this canvas. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is also going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Rashi lord Venus is combust, i.e. is too close to Sun in the first week of January to do any good. Venus represents your thought process and planning. That is likely to be derailed due to combustion of Venus. Retrograde Mars who represents wealth is placed in debilitation in the tenth house of profession. Expect some problems connected to smooth flow of money. However Mars is really never debilitated fully, and Sun who represents income is transiting the third house. You will be able to balance your accounts. Jupiter in the fifth house brings happiness on account of children. Unattached Librans will contemplate a new romance. Jupiter aspects the Ascendant so expect an increase in spirituality. The ninth house is energized so father will play a more important role. A long journey is possible.
Mars the lord of Moon sign is placed in retrogression in the ninth house. Saturn aspects the Ascendant. Some obstacles in your projects is likely. Lord of wealth Jupiter and lord of happiness Saturn is placed in the eleventh house. Money will therefore be available for most of the month. The eighth house becomes active and care should be taken about health. A foreign trip must be carefully weighed for its benefits before taking any decision.
Rahu in the Ascendant causes excitement and anger, but he also blesses you with enhanced status, increase in prosperity, and improved finances. Since Rahu is an enemy of Moon, this period also causes mental tension. Sun, Mercury, and Venus also congregate in the Ascendant so gains of money are very likely. Some long pending plans will see fruition this month. The seventh house of marriage and relationships becomes sensitive. A new relationship or marriage is very likely for people with a favorable Dasha-Bhukti running in their chart.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
How is January 2010 for you? – Cancer – Leo and Virgo
Free astrology 2010 Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Mars is moving in retrogression through this sign and this brings about situations where you have to work hard to succeed. He aspects the seventh house so domestic happiness becomes eclipsed. Saturn in the third is very helpful throughout the month. Any opposition to your plans is best resolved through tact and diplomacy. Brute force will backfire. Mars rules over children and professional status and you will need to exercise caution when dealing with both. The best remedy is to worship Hanuman every Tuesday.
Lagna Lord Sun transits the fifth house and negatively affects your perception. Three other planets, Mercury, Venus and Rahu also transit the fifth house where there results are beneficial. The combined effects of these planets brings about new strategy for business investments. However Saturn in the second and Jupiter in the seventh house warrant caution in planning. Rahu generates sudden windfall in the fifth house so calculated risk are likely to pay off handsomely. Real estate could prove beneficial. Over all this is a good month.
Saturn in the lunar Ascendant brings you in the middle of Sade Sati, and caution is required when dealing with colleagues and bosses at the place of work. Saturn, and Jupiter in the sixth house impinge on your relationship also and you need tact to negotiate the problems that develop. Be prepared for wrenches that may be tossed in your smoothly running machine. Mars in the eleventh will bring about moderate financial gains. You might wonder at the lack of warmth in shoulder extended to you by your friends. This crisis is transitory so take a deep breath and relax.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Mars is moving in retrogression through this sign and this brings about situations where you have to work hard to succeed. He aspects the seventh house so domestic happiness becomes eclipsed. Saturn in the third is very helpful throughout the month. Any opposition to your plans is best resolved through tact and diplomacy. Brute force will backfire. Mars rules over children and professional status and you will need to exercise caution when dealing with both. The best remedy is to worship Hanuman every Tuesday.
Lagna Lord Sun transits the fifth house and negatively affects your perception. Three other planets, Mercury, Venus and Rahu also transit the fifth house where there results are beneficial. The combined effects of these planets brings about new strategy for business investments. However Saturn in the second and Jupiter in the seventh house warrant caution in planning. Rahu generates sudden windfall in the fifth house so calculated risk are likely to pay off handsomely. Real estate could prove beneficial. Over all this is a good month.
Saturn in the lunar Ascendant brings you in the middle of Sade Sati, and caution is required when dealing with colleagues and bosses at the place of work. Saturn, and Jupiter in the sixth house impinge on your relationship also and you need tact to negotiate the problems that develop. Be prepared for wrenches that may be tossed in your smoothly running machine. Mars in the eleventh will bring about moderate financial gains. You might wonder at the lack of warmth in shoulder extended to you by your friends. This crisis is transitory so take a deep breath and relax.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Monday, January 11, 2010
How is January 2010 for you? – Aries – Taurus and Gemini
Free astrology 2010 Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Saturn in the sixth house and Jupiter in the 11th house from Moon are very helpful in every sphere of life. Success and money are available throughout the year. Lagna (Ascendant) Lord Mars is retrograde and debilitated in the fourth house. This leads to reduced happiness and increased mental tension. Existing relationship is likely to develops problems due to unnecessary arguments. A time lag between your efforts and their fruition becomes a cause for worry. Finances remain buoyant and comfortable. Overall a satisfying month.
The lord of the lunar Ascendant Venus is placed in the eighth house along with Sun Rahu and Mercury. This generates the possibility of obstacles and delays in the completion of your plans. Venus otherwise gives favorable results in the eighth house so you can expect some relief from stringent financial situation caused by transit of Saturn in the fifth house. Venus travels to the ninth house on January 14 and this causes even more favorable finances. Social activities pick up and provide much needed relaxation.
Ketu transits the lunar Ascendant where he gives favorable results. Jupiter too illuminates the Ascendant through his fifth house aspect. Usually this is enough to give unblemished success but Saturn’s aspect also falls here so triumph comes only after some initial struggle. Rahu’s aspect on Moon makes you perceive your problems through a magnifying glass. Relax things are no as bad as they appear to be. It is not a bad month, not by a long shot!
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as faster planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
The yearly and the monthly results are significantly modified by the Dasha-Bhukti system operating in your birth chart. To find out more about what is going on there and also to know more about your future, please visit my website. Clicking on the tile of this Blog will take you there.
If you are calling from India, please use the number given at the end of this article.
Saturn in the sixth house and Jupiter in the 11th house from Moon are very helpful in every sphere of life. Success and money are available throughout the year. Lagna (Ascendant) Lord Mars is retrograde and debilitated in the fourth house. This leads to reduced happiness and increased mental tension. Existing relationship is likely to develops problems due to unnecessary arguments. A time lag between your efforts and their fruition becomes a cause for worry. Finances remain buoyant and comfortable. Overall a satisfying month.
The lord of the lunar Ascendant Venus is placed in the eighth house along with Sun Rahu and Mercury. This generates the possibility of obstacles and delays in the completion of your plans. Venus otherwise gives favorable results in the eighth house so you can expect some relief from stringent financial situation caused by transit of Saturn in the fifth house. Venus travels to the ninth house on January 14 and this causes even more favorable finances. Social activities pick up and provide much needed relaxation.
Ketu transits the lunar Ascendant where he gives favorable results. Jupiter too illuminates the Ascendant through his fifth house aspect. Usually this is enough to give unblemished success but Saturn’s aspect also falls here so triumph comes only after some initial struggle. Rahu’s aspect on Moon makes you perceive your problems through a magnifying glass. Relax things are no as bad as they appear to be. It is not a bad month, not by a long shot!
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
How is 2010 for you? Yearly Results For Twelve Moon Signs – Pisces
Free astrology 2010 Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Faster planets change house more frequently and so they are used for monthly forecasts only. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
For Pisces Moon (Meen Rashi) Jupiter transits the twelfth house from Moon for most of the year. Saturn moves forward in Virgo in the seventh house while Rahu and Ketu transit the tenth and the fourth house respectively.
Jupiter’s transit through the twelfth house causes expenditure and loss of income. Ability to earn money suffers and one’s inability to fulfill financial commitments causes loss of reputation. Foreclosure in house and car mortgages stares one in the face. Happiness in relationships becomes a casualty of this transit.
In the seventh house Saturn creates many problems. Frequent travels and partner’s ill-health cause misery. One may suffer from diseases connected to reproductive system. Mental tension remains constant during this transit. Accidents during journeys and losses in professional life take place.
In the tenth house from Moon, Rahu gives dips in Ganga and other holy rivers. There is a strong desire to go on pilgrimage and do charitable deeds. There is a sudden increase in status but this also causes growth of opponents and opposition to one’s plans. One however becomes successful in his ventures.
In the fourth house Ketu confers increase in happiness, rise in social status, and pilgrimage. There is a desire to spend on charity. Sudden gain of real estate is also likely.
The good and bad results are evenly poised and this makes it a year of some progress and some disappointments. The remedial measures given in the yearly results for Taurus Blog will remove the adverse results of Jupiter and Saturn and have the potential to make this a successful year. As always the Dasha-Bhukti running in the chart will significantly modify the transit results.
To know more about how the relationship between 2010 and your birth-chart please call or write to me.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Faster planets change house more frequently and so they are used for monthly forecasts only. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
For Pisces Moon (Meen Rashi) Jupiter transits the twelfth house from Moon for most of the year. Saturn moves forward in Virgo in the seventh house while Rahu and Ketu transit the tenth and the fourth house respectively.
Jupiter’s transit through the twelfth house causes expenditure and loss of income. Ability to earn money suffers and one’s inability to fulfill financial commitments causes loss of reputation. Foreclosure in house and car mortgages stares one in the face. Happiness in relationships becomes a casualty of this transit.
In the seventh house Saturn creates many problems. Frequent travels and partner’s ill-health cause misery. One may suffer from diseases connected to reproductive system. Mental tension remains constant during this transit. Accidents during journeys and losses in professional life take place.
In the tenth house from Moon, Rahu gives dips in Ganga and other holy rivers. There is a strong desire to go on pilgrimage and do charitable deeds. There is a sudden increase in status but this also causes growth of opponents and opposition to one’s plans. One however becomes successful in his ventures.
In the fourth house Ketu confers increase in happiness, rise in social status, and pilgrimage. There is a desire to spend on charity. Sudden gain of real estate is also likely.
The good and bad results are evenly poised and this makes it a year of some progress and some disappointments. The remedial measures given in the yearly results for Taurus Blog will remove the adverse results of Jupiter and Saturn and have the potential to make this a successful year. As always the Dasha-Bhukti running in the chart will significantly modify the transit results.
To know more about how the relationship between 2010 and your birth-chart please call or write to me.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Friday, January 8, 2010
How is 2010 for you? Yearly Results For Twelve Moon Signs – Aquarius
Free astrology 2010 Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Faster planets change house more frequently and so they are used for monthly forecasts only. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
Jupiter continues his journey in Aquarius until the end of the year, Saturn remains in the eighth house until the end of the year as well. Rahu and Ketu transit the eleventh and the fifth house in that order.
Passing through Chandra Lagna, Jupiter gives adverse results. One gets beset by fears of different types and possibility of slander and defamation exist. Professional life and business take a hit. Mental tensions mount as projects get delayed. Journeys prove unfruitful and general comforts get reduced. Heavy expenditure causes financial set backs.
Saturn’s transit through the eighth house from Moon causes losses and sorrow. One meets disappointments. Infamy and fear from law hovers in the background. Separation from children can come to pass if the Dasha-Bhukti supports it. Life partner’s health causes concern and possibility of bereavement exists. Bad company and gambling tendency causes many problems.
In the eleventh house Rahu inspires one to perform auspicious deeds. One spend on charity and donates money. This is however an adverse time for finances and fortunes. Progeny suffers and friends may cause losses.
In the fifth house Ketu causes losses and discomforts to progeny. One suffers misfortune.
The fifth house becomes and remains active throughout the year. Affairs related to children and speculation thus assume center stage. Due caution must be exercised when dealing with these.
The remedial measures for Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu can be found under Taurus yearly predictions.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Faster planets change house more frequently and so they are used for monthly forecasts only. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
Jupiter continues his journey in Aquarius until the end of the year, Saturn remains in the eighth house until the end of the year as well. Rahu and Ketu transit the eleventh and the fifth house in that order.
Passing through Chandra Lagna, Jupiter gives adverse results. One gets beset by fears of different types and possibility of slander and defamation exist. Professional life and business take a hit. Mental tensions mount as projects get delayed. Journeys prove unfruitful and general comforts get reduced. Heavy expenditure causes financial set backs.
Saturn’s transit through the eighth house from Moon causes losses and sorrow. One meets disappointments. Infamy and fear from law hovers in the background. Separation from children can come to pass if the Dasha-Bhukti supports it. Life partner’s health causes concern and possibility of bereavement exists. Bad company and gambling tendency causes many problems.
In the eleventh house Rahu inspires one to perform auspicious deeds. One spend on charity and donates money. This is however an adverse time for finances and fortunes. Progeny suffers and friends may cause losses.
In the fifth house Ketu causes losses and discomforts to progeny. One suffers misfortune.
The fifth house becomes and remains active throughout the year. Affairs related to children and speculation thus assume center stage. Due caution must be exercised when dealing with these.
The remedial measures for Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu can be found under Taurus yearly predictions.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
How is 2010 for you? Yearly Results For Twelve Moon Signs – Capricorn
Free astrology 2010 Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Faster planets change house more frequently and so they are used for monthly forecasts only. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
For people with Moon in Capricorn at the time of birth, Jupiter transits the second house from Moon until the end of the year. Saturn continues his journey in the ninth house where he will remain for almost two years. Rahu and Ketu keep transiting the twelfth and sixth house in that order.
Jupiter’s transit through the second house brings in wealth. One’s family becomes prosperous and happy. Depending upon the age, auspicious occasions like child birth or marriage take place for self or close relatives. adversaries and opposition are easily placated or suppressed. One becomes famous and is inclined towards charity. Movable assets multiply during this period.
Ninth house transit of Saturn brings relief from the extremely difficult transit of Saturn through the eighth house. Gains of/from real estate become possible. Smooth relations with extended family, and gains from government are some other benefits one can look forward to.
The negative side of this transit shows up as disinterest in spirituality and in extreme cases even conversion to another religion. Short journeys and pilgrimages happen but are not fruitful.
Rahu in the twelfth house, causes excessive expenditure. Loss of happiness and moving away from home and attendant comforts are other results. Chances of loss of pets and live stock remain high. One needs to be careful in his behavior as an arrest for a crime of passion becomes a possibility. Rahu and Ketu give sudden results so a brawl can land one in trouble.
In the sixth house Ketu cause increase in the number of adversaries. Expenses go up and one meets frequent obstacles. Eyes become prone to some disease.
The sixth house in the lunar chart becomes energized and one needs to keep a careful watch over health, debts, and temper. All three may get out of hand without warning.
The remedial measures for Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu are given in the Blog containing the yearly results for Taurus. These are universally applicable.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Faster planets change house more frequently and so they are used for monthly forecasts only. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are examined from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
For people with Moon in Capricorn at the time of birth, Jupiter transits the second house from Moon until the end of the year. Saturn continues his journey in the ninth house where he will remain for almost two years. Rahu and Ketu keep transiting the twelfth and sixth house in that order.
Jupiter’s transit through the second house brings in wealth. One’s family becomes prosperous and happy. Depending upon the age, auspicious occasions like child birth or marriage take place for self or close relatives. adversaries and opposition are easily placated or suppressed. One becomes famous and is inclined towards charity. Movable assets multiply during this period.
Ninth house transit of Saturn brings relief from the extremely difficult transit of Saturn through the eighth house. Gains of/from real estate become possible. Smooth relations with extended family, and gains from government are some other benefits one can look forward to.
The negative side of this transit shows up as disinterest in spirituality and in extreme cases even conversion to another religion. Short journeys and pilgrimages happen but are not fruitful.
Rahu in the twelfth house, causes excessive expenditure. Loss of happiness and moving away from home and attendant comforts are other results. Chances of loss of pets and live stock remain high. One needs to be careful in his behavior as an arrest for a crime of passion becomes a possibility. Rahu and Ketu give sudden results so a brawl can land one in trouble.
In the sixth house Ketu cause increase in the number of adversaries. Expenses go up and one meets frequent obstacles. Eyes become prone to some disease.
The sixth house in the lunar chart becomes energized and one needs to keep a careful watch over health, debts, and temper. All three may get out of hand without warning.
The remedial measures for Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu are given in the Blog containing the yearly results for Taurus. These are universally applicable.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
How is 2010 for you? Yearly Results For Twelve Moon Signs – Sagittarius
Free astrology 2010 Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
These predictions are based on slow moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Faster planets change house more frequently and so they are used for monthly forecasts only. In Hindu astrology, all transits results are calculated from the Moon and that is the system followed here.
Jupiter transits the third house while Saturn transits the tenth from the birth Moon. Rahu and Ketu continue their movement in Ascendant and seventh house respectively.
Passing through the third house from Moon Jupiter causes body aches and other health issues. There is usually some enmity with relatives and friends. Professional problems occur frequently, and loss of job becomes a possibility. Income and reputation suffer and journeys prove unfruitful.
In the tenth house from Moon, Saturn adversely affects both job and profession and brings about obstacles. Increased expenditure occurs but at the same time one remains unsuccessful. Mental anxiety due to past bad Karma comes to fore. Separation from life partner, going away from home due to work or a transfer and opposition from society happen during this period.
In the Lunar ascendant, Rahu gives enhanced status, increase in prosperity, and improved finances for self as well as the children son. Since Rahu is an enemy of Moon, this period also causes some mental tension.
In the seventh house Ketu confers gains from government, enhanced status and sudden increase in wealth.
Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, all aspect or influence the seventh house of relationships and marriage. Unattached and unmarried people will definitely get a chance to enter into a relationship, and eventually get married.
Rahu and Ketu neutralize the negative results of Jupiter and Saturn to a great extent. The year overall will prove to be average.
The remedial measures for Jupiter and Saturn are given in the Blog for yearly predictions for Taurus. Those are applicable here as well.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
How is 2010 for you? Yearly Results For Twelve Moon Signs - Scorpio
Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
Jupiter transits the fourth house until the end of the year. Saturn continues his travel in the eleventh house, while Rahu and Ketu remain for the year in second and eleventh house respectively.
The fourth house transit of Jupiter generally causes mental distress. Money and happiness are lost and increase of opposition to one’s plans causes anguish. One may be forced to leave the place of birth and move away. The comforts and happiness due to real estate and friends are lost. There are fears due to government and law.
Transit of Saturn through the eleventh house proves very lucky. Fame, prosperity, gain of wealth accrue in plenty. There is an increase in comforts and happiness. Profession grows and one gains through women. If involved in steel, machinery, cement, coal, and real estate business, one makes huge profits provided Dasha-Bhukti are also favorable.
Shani has feet of gold so expect strained relations with extended family, some financial drain and false accusations as well. Overall it is an excellent passage to experience.
In the second house from Moon, Rahu causes sudden financial losses and strained relations with family and friends. This period also brings about breaks in education, increase in the number of opponents and eye related problems.
Ketu in the eighth house causes sudden loss of wealth due to theft or accident. One may go abroad. Anus related health problems may occur.
Despite these problems however, the year will still prove productive. Ideal conditions have never existed in life and you should make the most of this year.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Jupiter transits the fourth house until the end of the year. Saturn continues his travel in the eleventh house, while Rahu and Ketu remain for the year in second and eleventh house respectively.
The fourth house transit of Jupiter generally causes mental distress. Money and happiness are lost and increase of opposition to one’s plans causes anguish. One may be forced to leave the place of birth and move away. The comforts and happiness due to real estate and friends are lost. There are fears due to government and law.
Transit of Saturn through the eleventh house proves very lucky. Fame, prosperity, gain of wealth accrue in plenty. There is an increase in comforts and happiness. Profession grows and one gains through women. If involved in steel, machinery, cement, coal, and real estate business, one makes huge profits provided Dasha-Bhukti are also favorable.
Shani has feet of gold so expect strained relations with extended family, some financial drain and false accusations as well. Overall it is an excellent passage to experience.
In the second house from Moon, Rahu causes sudden financial losses and strained relations with family and friends. This period also brings about breaks in education, increase in the number of opponents and eye related problems.
Ketu in the eighth house causes sudden loss of wealth due to theft or accident. One may go abroad. Anus related health problems may occur.
Despite these problems however, the year will still prove productive. Ideal conditions have never existed in life and you should make the most of this year.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
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