Free Vedic astrology article
Poorva Phalguni (Delta Leonis)
Poorva Phalguni people are attractive, well dressed, sweet to talk to, philosophical, intuitive, artistic and famous. They aim for the top, and can never take up a subordinate position for long. They are thoroughly scrupulous and can never watch quietly any illegal activity. This lands them into trouble every time.
They love social status and will always prefer a higher title to higher salary. They have a way with weapons and can become very good shooters. They reach very high posts in their life. The married life is happy, their life partners and children give much joy.
Women have usually a longish nose over a round face. The figure is well proportioned and attractive but not voluptuous. They are fashion conscious and like to move around. They work very hard and are popular. Their main problem is their showy and supercilious nature. It can become their greatest obstacle. They are generally happy, and lend a helping hand to those who approach for help.
They suffer from dental diseases and abdominal complications. Menstrual disorders, asthma, jaundice and breathing troubles are some other problems that may bother them.
Some famous Poorva Phalguni people are Leo Tolstoy, Dalai Lama, Mahesh Yogi and Madonna.
Uttara Phalguni (Denebala)
Tall and heavy built with a long nose, They are usually happy and lucky persons. They eat little but eat well. They are hot tempered, and when they flare up, they don’t know where to stop. They need to develop tolerance. They never admit their fault even when they are wrong. They have an independent frame of mind.
Inherently honest, they neither deceive nor like to be deceived. They are successful in public dealings and earn well out of commissions. They are very hard working people. Period up to the age of thirty two is like a black hole. Nothing happens despite their best efforts. The graph creeps up slowly until the age of thirty eight and then shoots up well into sixties.
Married life is good, and they are contented. Both sexes get very efficient life partners.
Women have a soft body and medium height. They are cultured and popular. May have a mole or mark on the face.
Likely diseases are dental, gastric and menstrual troubles. Migraine cause a lot of discomfort during early part of their life.
George Washinton, Subhash Bose, Sharmila Tagore, Serena williams, Swami shivanand are some famous people born in Uttar Phalguni.
1. Recitation of Pipplad Uvaach, a four line Sanskrit hymn in praise of Lord
Saturn is very helpful in overcoming
the problems caused by him.
2. The Shani Mantra recited 108x3 times
every day is also very helpful. The
easiest mantra is OM PRAM PREEM
3. Offerings of mustard oil, Urad Dal,
iron implements, raw sugar, and
black sesame seeds every Saturday is
very effective.
4. Praying in a Shiva temple every
Saturday and offering milk-water
mixture while chanting OM NAMAHA
SHIVAYE works wonders.
5. Fasting on Saturdays and eating one time meal without spices and salt
also helps.
6. Wearing an iron ring made from a horse shoe removed from the right
front foot of a black horse is another excellent remedy.
7. The ring can also be made from a nail removed from the bottom of a
There is nothing to be afraid of a Sade Sati. Ups and downs are a fact of
life. We all learn from adversities and they are a harsh but effective
teacher. Life is a journey best traveled by keeping eyes wide open, mouth
firmly closed and mental filing system busy.
Poorva Phalguni (Delta Leonis)
Poorva Phalguni people are attractive, well dressed, sweet to talk to, philosophical, intuitive, artistic and famous. They aim for the top, and can never take up a subordinate position for long. They are thoroughly scrupulous and can never watch quietly any illegal activity. This lands them into trouble every time.

Women have usually a longish nose over a round face. The figure is well proportioned and attractive but not voluptuous. They are fashion conscious and like to move around. They work very hard and are popular. Their main problem is their showy and supercilious nature. It can become their greatest obstacle. They are generally happy, and lend a helping hand to those who approach for help.
They suffer from dental diseases and abdominal complications. Menstrual disorders, asthma, jaundice and breathing troubles are some other problems that may bother them.
Some famous Poorva Phalguni people are Leo Tolstoy, Dalai Lama, Mahesh Yogi and Madonna.
Uttara Phalguni (Denebala)
Tall and heavy built with a long nose, They are usually happy and lucky persons. They eat little but eat well. They are hot tempered, and when they flare up, they don’t know where to stop. They need to develop tolerance. They never admit their fault even when they are wrong. They have an independent frame of mind.
Inherently honest, they neither deceive nor like to be deceived. They are successful in public dealings and earn well out of commissions. They are very hard working people. Period up to the age of thirty two is like a black hole. Nothing happens despite their best efforts. The graph creeps up slowly until the age of thirty eight and then shoots up well into sixties.
Married life is good, and they are contented. Both sexes get very efficient life partners.
Women have a soft body and medium height. They are cultured and popular. May have a mole or mark on the face.
Likely diseases are dental, gastric and menstrual troubles. Migraine cause a lot of discomfort during early part of their life.
George Washinton, Subhash Bose, Sharmila Tagore, Serena williams, Swami shivanand are some famous people born in Uttar Phalguni.
Excerpts from my book "How to make Saturn your friend- Things you should know about Saturn but don't."
Remedial measures for Sade Sati
1. Recitation of Pipplad Uvaach, a four line Sanskrit hymn in praise of Lord
Saturn is very helpful in overcoming
the problems caused by him.
2. The Shani Mantra recited 108x3 times
every day is also very helpful. The
easiest mantra is OM PRAM PREEM
3. Offerings of mustard oil, Urad Dal,
iron implements, raw sugar, and
black sesame seeds every Saturday is
very effective.
4. Praying in a Shiva temple every
Saturday and offering milk-water
mixture while chanting OM NAMAHA
SHIVAYE works wonders.
5. Fasting on Saturdays and eating one time meal without spices and salt
also helps.
6. Wearing an iron ring made from a horse shoe removed from the right
front foot of a black horse is another excellent remedy.
7. The ring can also be made from a nail removed from the bottom of a
There is nothing to be afraid of a Sade Sati. Ups and downs are a fact of
life. We all learn from adversities and they are a harsh but effective
teacher. Life is a journey best traveled by keeping eyes wide open, mouth
firmly closed and mental filing system busy.
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