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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nakshatra – the template of our lives Part XVII – Dhanishtha and Satabhishaj

Free Vedic astrology article

Dhanishtha (Beta Delphini)

No marked and prominent features mark the Dhanishtha born. They may display varied body structures. They are extremely intelligent and possess all round knowledge. They do well in scientific research, secret service, and as secretaries to the top executives. Law is another good area for them.

Beta Delphini
Married life is usually happy and the spouse is a source of much material gain. This does not mean that the natives of this constellation get huge dowries, on the contrary they do not get much material benefit from their parents in law. Their spouse is very lucky for them. They are able to make steady progress from their twenty fifth year onwards. Relatives are often a source of social embarrassment.

Dhanishtha women are beautiful and always look young. It is not uncommon to find a Dhanishtha woman who looks half her age. They have great expectations from their lives. They are generally spendthrifts. They should curb their tendency of being strict disciplinarians.

Likely diseases for Dhanishtha are anemia, whooping cough, Uterus disorders and irregular menstrual blood flow.

Satabhishaj (Lambda Aquarii)

Satabhishaj born are aristocratic looking individuals. The body is soft, the forehead wide, the eyes attractive and the face bright. They are ferocious when provoked but their anger doesn’t usually last a long time. They are full of erudition. Psychology, astrology and medicines are apt fields for them to explore. They have a retentive memory and can attain very fine education.

Mother is usually a source of comfort and solace while the father and brothers are not very helpful. They may even create problems.
Married life too is not very happy. Up to the age of thirty four they usually struggle as professionally they are not well settled. Thereafter there is a steady rise. They usually have extramarital affairs but these are a closely and well guarded secret. They are prone to troubles arising out of exposure to cold weather.

Women have fleshy and full lips and prominent cheeks. The buttocks are heavy. They are attractive and elegant . They are hot tempered.
Likely diseases for Dhanishtha are urinary diseases, diabetes and breathing troubles. Colic pains and problems related to the jaw bone may be there.

Rajiv Sethi

Bouquets and brickbats at,

Phone : 011-91-98-99-589211

© 2010 copyright Your website for horoscopes, astrology, daily horoscope, love astrology and everything else.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nakshatra – the template of our lives Part XVI – Uttar Ashadh & Shravan

Free Vedic astrology article
Uttar Ashadh (Sigma Sagittarii)

Uttar Ashadh born people have a tall well proportioned body and tend towards being lean. They are long nosed and bright eyed persons, and have a natural grace. They are quite uncomplicated people and live a simple life even when they attain a high rank. They are usually deceived by their partners and it is important that they screen them thoroughly before entering into any relationship.

Uttar Ashadh people usually attain success after the thirty eighth year of their lives. The married life is usually very good, but may be marred by the health of the spouse who may suffer from stomach and uterus troubles. Children may be a cause of concern to these people.
Women have attractive eyes and teeth as well as a wide forehead. They are obstinate and blissfully unaware of what to say and when. They usually are teachers, employed in banks, or connected to publishing.
Likely diseases for these people are stomach and reproductive health problems, hernia, eye defects etc.

Swami Vivekanand, Karishma Kapoor, Madonna, Indira Gandhi, Shivaji Ganeshan are some famous Uttar Ashadh people.

Shravan (Alpha Aquarii)

Shravan born are middle statured, but very attractive people. They are sweet spoken individuals who like neatness in everything. Sloppiness is intolerable to them, and if they spot it, sweet tongued or not they will let the culprit know about it. They walk the middle ground in life and will neither reach the top nor be relegated to the bottom during their life.

Period till the age of thirty is full of changes, from thirty to mid forties is a stable and prosperous period. Technical and engineering careers suit them. Petroleum and its products are also a source of benefit.

Married life is very happy but an occasional extra marital fling is not ruled out.
Women are very attractive. The front two teeth are prominent and have a gap between them. The are chatterboxes and have no control over their tongues. They demand perfection, don’t usually get it and so encounter friction in their daily lives.

Likely diseases are eczema, skin diseases, pus formation, T.B, rheumatism. Even leprosy of low intensity can not be ruled out.

Jai Prakash Narayan, Krishna Moorti, Shah Rukh Khan, Sadhna, Sumitranandan Pant and V Shantaram are some famous Shravan born.

Rajiv Sethi

Bouquets and brickbats at,
Mobile 9899589211

The content of this blog is copyright protected and no part of this article in any shape and form may be used for any purpose without the written permission of the author.
© 2010 copyright Your website for horoscopes, astrology, daily horoscope, love astrology and everything else.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nakshatra – the template of our lives Part XIV - Mool & Poorva Ashadh

Free Vedic astrology article

Mool (Lambda Scorpi)

Attractive personality and bright eyes mark the Mool born. These people have a sweet and peace loving nature. They are non-traditional, unorthodox, determined and fond of travelling. They are proud and luxury loving people and may lose opportunities because of these two traits. They are not the ones to balance the income and expenses. They often are therefore under the burden of debt. There are frequent changes in profession. There are usually no benefits from parents. The wife is usually compatible and married life is satisfactory. Mool born can be successful in field of writing, fine arts and social work. They are good advisers but seldom act themselves upon their own advice.

Women have a gap between the front two teeth. This is a sign of prosperity and good luck. They are very adamant and stubborn and impervious to any advice. They usually have no interest in education and are average students at best.

Likely diseases for the Mool born are esonophilia, drug addiction, alcoholism, Rheumatism, hip and back ache etc.

Poorva Ashadha ( Delta Sagittarii)

Slim and tall figure with long limbs describes them very well. Teeth are even and remarkable in appearance. They are very intelligent human beings. They dress themselves in swanky clothes and have a sensual nature. Their spouse controls them and they are usually under their thumb.

They are poor decision makers. Their relationships are usually temporary. They are especially gifted to become doctors. Fine arts are another viable proposition. Period between thirty two and fifty is usually very good. Brothers are a source of wealth though they normally live far away from them. Married life is happy. There may only one or two children but they bring a lot of fame to the family.
Women are extremely beautiful. Their almond shaped eyes are magnetic. Their long graceful neck and fine nose, brown hair and fair complexion make them a cynosure of all eyes. They have character and ability, vigour and vitality. They love pets and always have one near them.

Likely diseases are thigh troubles, Femur fracture, T.B, esonophilia as also womb and uterus disorders.

Rajiv Sethi

Bouquets and brickbats at,
Mobile 9899589211

The content of this blog is copyright protected and no part of this article in any shape and form may be used for any purpose without the written permission of the author.
© 2010 copyright Your website for horoscopes, astrology, daily horoscope, love astrology and everything else.

Some excerpts from my Book "How to make Saturn your friend - Things you should know about Saturn but don't"

Chapter 4

Results of placement of Saturn in twelve houses
The results given below are generalized and indicate the tendency of Saturn to act in different houses. These are not set in stone and will be altered by the placement of other planets in the horoscope which may accentuate or alleviate what Saturn intends to do. A verbatim and literal application can produce wrong results.

Lagna, ascendant  or the first house
The first house stands for everything pertaining to birth. It represents the color and stature of the body, and also represents wealth, honor, status and life span. It stands for the self of human beings and is used to determine the source of livelihood.
Lagna Saturn gives favorable results only for Libra and Aquarius ascendants. For other signs the results are mixed and usually unfavorable.
Foreign customs are easily assimilated. If Saturn is unafflicted, or aspected by benefics, there is much consideration for the welfare of others. Self confidence is well justified. Moral stability is quite marked. The nature is calm, grave and serious. The body is weak and thin. Progress in any project is slow but sure. There may be some aversion for shouldering responsibility. Saturn in Lagna makes habits inactive. The subject is able to drop any habit by her will power. Losses through negligence or letting an opportunity escape are possible. Childhood is unhappy due to some reason. Such a person is usually withdrawn and an introvert. He is adamant, shy, selfish and somewhat greedy. He does not trust people easily, and his religious beliefs are different from those held by majority. Lagna Saturn also gives self confidence and a desire to help people at large. The person easily adjusts to foreigners and foreign languages etc. Marriage is usually delayed.
Saturn placed in fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius gives an outgoing nature but also makes one aggressive.
To buy this book please follow this link.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nakshatra – the template of our lives Part XIII. Anuradha & Jyeshtha

Free Vedic astrology article
Anuradha ( Delta Scorpi)
Anuradha born have bright eyes and a bright face. They have a strong, determined  and revengeful nature. They are usually hard hearted. There is a liking for good food.

Life is full of obstacles and constant frustrations leave their mark on the face. Despite this they always reach their goal as they never give up. They make usually successful businessmen. They start earning when quite young. Life till the age of forty eight is full of struggles. After that they make rapid progress. There is generally no benefit from brothers and sisters. There may be frequent friction with father. Their married life is generally satisfactory.

Women have an innocent expression. Their most attractive feature is their waist, which is very narrow and alluring. They have a full figure. Anuradha women can shine in social and political field. They are adept dancers and musicians.  They have irregular menses and suffer a lot of pain during the process. Menstruation takes place with frequent breaks.

Likely diseases are asthma, cough and colds, sore throat, constipation and dental troubles.

Jyeshtha (Antares)
Attractive personality and very good physical stamina mark Jyeshtha individuals. Despite this they can be lazy and hasty. The teeth are defective. They have many friends but are often deceived by them. They may have a penchant for writing and journalism. They are vivacious and quick witted.

Sound sleep may be a problem for them. Relatives do not help in times of need. The first twenty six years are very troublesome. The next twenty four years are marked by slow but steady progress. From the age of fifty onward they consolidate their gains and become successful. Mother is not a source of help to these people, neither are their co born. Married life is happy but the spouse may put up spirited resistance to  their independent style.

Women have long arms, broad face and curly hair. They are strongly emotional and are active sport persons. They normally are home makers and if possible remain away from taking up a job.

Likely diseases for Jyeshtha born are  cough and cold, dysentery, pain in arms and legs, uterus and prostrate gland problems.

Excerpts from my book "How to make Saturn your friend- Things you should know about Saturn but don't."

Results of placement of Saturn in twelve houses

The results given below are generalized and indicate the tendency of Saturn to act in different houses. These are not set in stone and will be altered by the placement of other planets in the horoscope which may accentuate or alleviate what Saturn intends to do. A verbatim and literal application can produce wrong results.

Lagna, ascendant or the first house
The first house stands for everything pertaining to birth. It represents the color
and stature of the body, and also represents wealth, honor, status and life
span. It stands for the self of human beings and is used to determine the source of livelihood.

Lagna Saturn gives favorable results only for Libra and Aquarius ascendants. For other signs the results are mixed and usually unfavorable. Foreign customs are easily assimilated. If Saturn is unafflicted, or aspected by benefics, there is much consideration for the welfare of others. Self confidence is well justified. Moral stability is quite marked. The nature is calm, grave and serious. The body is weak and thin. Progress in any project is slow but sure. There may be some aversion for shouldering responsibility.

Saturn in Lagna
makes habits inactive. The subject is able to drop any habit by her will power.
Losses through negligence or letting an opportunity escape are possible.
Childhood is unhappy due to some reason. Such a person is usually withdrawn
and an introvert. He is adamant, shy, selfish and somewhat greedy. He does not trust people easily, and his religious beliefs are different from those held by majority. Lagna Saturn also gives self confidence and a desire to help people at large.

The person easily adjusts to foreigners and foreign languages etc. Marriage is usually delayed. Saturn placed in fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
gives an outgoing nature but also makes one aggressive.

Rajiv Sethi

Bouquets and brickbats at,
Mobile 9899589211

The content of this blog is copyright protected and no part of this article in any shape and form may be used for any purpose without the written permission of the author.

© 2010 copyright Your website for horoscopes, astrology, daily horoscope, love astrology and everything else.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nakshatra – the template of our lives Part XII. Swati & Vishakha

Free Vedic astrology article

Swati (Alpha Bootis/arcturus) 
Swati born are well built individuals with high arched and attractive feet. They are lucky, philosophical and clever. Though competent debaters, they like building castles in the air. 

There is likely to be an attraction for substance abuse. They are independent people and may lose temper easily. Control over their emotions becomes very important for them as it has a direct bearing on their career. 
Alpha Bootis
They make the best of friends and the worst of enemies. The basic nature is revengeful. Childhood is generally speaking, an unhappy period. There is financial and mental suffering till the age of twenty - even if the person is born into a rich family. 

Best period of life is between thirty and sixty. Married life is not happy though they don’t let outsiders know this. They can earn through the professions related to drugs, chemicals and gold or as a travel agent.

Swati women are slow walkers. They live a clean life and have a number of good friends. If employed they will reach enviable heights and their job may entail quite a bit of traveling. They usually enjoy a very high social position. Spirituality attracts them strongly.  Likely diseases for Swati people are connected to heart, abdomen, broken ankles and pain in the breasts.

Vishakha ( Alpha Librare)
Vishakha people have an attractive personality, and a bright and round face. Some of them can be lean and thin while some others can be corpulent. They are usually brimming with vitality as well intelligence. They are good orators and debate their point quite well. 
They usually don’t get any happiness from their mother. It is either due to the death of the mother or due to separation from her. The father - although distinguished in his field - is also not of much help to the native. 
Vishakha born are usually quite involved in extra marital sex. They are also easily attracted to drugs and alcohol. This causes problems, and their married life can become troubled as a consequence.  Women are normally very beautiful. They attract men in droves. They have a charming and attractive speech but live a simple life. They are easily attracted to the opposite sex. They are smart but have a covetous nature. 
Likely diseases for the Vishakha people are paralytic attacks, kidney troubles and goiter.

Some excerpts from my E-BOOK on Saturn -- Chapter 2

Stories connected to Saturn

1. Pipplad Muni and Shani (Saturn)

Pipplad Muni's (ascetic) father used to live along with his wife and son on the bank of Yamuna river. Due to some negative deeds done by him in the past lives, Saturn - whose job it is to make a person experience to himself the pain that he inflicted on others - first made him sick and destitute and then caused his death. Pipplad was an infant when this happened.

His mother was very distressed and often in tears at the death of her husband. When Pipplad grew up to be an adolescent he once asked his mother about her great sorrow and also about his father. The heartbroken mother told him in detail the whole story and how it was Saturn who was responsible for his father's death.
Pipplad was enraged and left his house at once in search of Saturn. After a while he located him on the branch of a Peepal tree. Through the Yogic powers acquired by him in previous lives Pipplad could easily perform miracles. He materialized a Bramhadand (divine staff) and hit Saturn hard on his legs. By the energy contained in the staff, both the legs were fractured immediately and caused him great suffering and agony. He cried out for help.

Lord Shiva heard the cries and appeared near his disciple. He addressed Pipplad and asked him to be kind to Saturn as he was under his protection. Pipplad was embarrassed that his treatment of Saturn had caused Lord Shiva himself to intervene. He begged forgiveness and asked Shiva to instruct Saturn to keep away from innocent people. Now that Saturn's legs were broken he would never be able to move fast, and would be known as Mand or slow moving. Pipplad further took a promise from Saturn that anyone who worships Pippleshwar Mahadev will remain immune from the deeds of Saturn

. Saturn agreed immediately.

At this, Lord Shiva returned to his abode on mount Kailash. Even today anyone who listens to this story on a Saturday and offers water and raw sugar to a Peepal tree before sunrise, gains immunity from the negative results of Saturn.

To buy the Book use this link

Rajiv Sethi

Bouquets and brickbats at,
Mobile 9899589211

The content of this blog is copyright protected and no part of this article in any shape and form may be used for any purpose without the written permission of the author.

© 2010 copyright Your website for horoscopes, astrology, daily horoscope, love astrology and everything else.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Nakshatra – the template of our lives Part XI

Free Vedic astrology article

Hasta (Delta Corvi)
Tall and well built, the men have small hands. They have a magnetic smile and it is difficult to remain unaffected by it. They ttract women easily and so start on the sexual path quite early. They have a selfless and helpful nature and as a consequence get honor and recognition in society. Life for them is a roller coaster ride. They are strict disciplinarian at the work place and shoulder a lot of responsibility. Period from 30th year onwards till the middle forties proves to be the golden period of life. They do not get much help from their parents and may grow up to be hard hearted and rash individuals. Married life is happy.
Women have very beautiful eyes and ears, and are in a class of their own. The shoulders are round and the body is soft. They have a good figure and appear very elegant. They are respectful to the elderly but this does not prevent them from being outspoken in their views. They are very often married to rich people.
Likely diseases for the Hasta individuals are cough, cold and asthma. They also suffer from watery nose, sinus trouble and high blood pressure.
Some famous people born in this Nakshatra are Swami Vivekanand, Madan Mohan Malviya, Madhu Bala, and K P S Gill.
Chitra (Virginis Spica)
Their lean body and magnificent personality is easily identified in a crowd. They are courageous, learned, art lovers, troubled by enemies, astute, intuitive, ambitious and popular. In case there is Saturn and Moon conjunction or opposition, they can be very selfish and cunning. Life is uneasy till the age of thirty two, thereafter till mid fifties they have their golden period. There are usually no benefits from Father and brothers. Father may be a famous man. Married life is generally not very happy with daily friction taking its toll.
Women are tall and voluptuous and draw men like moth to a flame. They want excessive freedom which makes their life complicated. They can be greedy and amoral and have very few or no friends. Their married life is unhappy. The partner is likely to die unless proper matching is done. Divorce is an ever present danger. Childlessness is another possibility.
They suffer from kidney and bladder troubles, inflamed uterus and brain fever.
Benazeer Bhutto, George W Bush, Jamshed Tata and Shashi Kapoor are some famous people born in Chitra.

Some excerpts from my Book "How to make Saturn your friend - Things you should know about Saturn but don't"

Chapter 4

Results of placement of Saturn in twelve houses
The results given below are generalized and indicate the tendency of Saturn to act in different houses. These are not set in stone and will be altered by the placement of other planets in the horoscope which may accentuate or alleviate what Saturn intends to do. A verbatim and literal application can produce wrong results.

Lagna, ascendant  or the first house
The first house stands for everything pertaining to birth. It represents the color and stature of the body, and also represents wealth, honor, status and life span. It stands for the self of human beings and is used to determine the source of livelihood.

Lagna Saturn gives favorable results only for Libra and Aquarius ascendants. For other signs the results are mixed and usually unfavorable.

Foreign customs are easily assimilated. If Saturn is unafflicted, or aspected by benefics, there is much consideration for the welfare of others. Self confidence is well justified. Moral stability is quite marked. The nature is calm, grave and serious. The body is weak and thin. Progress in any project is slow but sure. There may be some aversion for shouldering responsibility. Saturn in Lagna makes habits inactive. The subject is able to drop any habit by her will power. Losses through negligence or letting an opportunity escape are possible. Childhood is unhappy due to some reason. Such a person is usually withdrawn and an introvert. He is adamant, shy, selfish and somewhat greedy. He does not trust people easily, and his religious beliefs are different from those held by majority. Lagna Saturn also gives self confidence and a desire to help people at large. The person easily adjusts to foreigners and foreign languages etc. Marriage is usually delayed.
Saturn placed in fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius gives an outgoing nature but also makes one aggressive.

Rajiv Sethi

Bouquets and brickbats at,
Mobile 9899589211

The content of this blog is copyright protected and no part of this article in any shape and form may be used for any purpose without the written permission of the author.

© 2010 copyright Your website for horoscopes, astrology, daily horoscope, love astrology and everything else.

E-Book on Saturn