The following chart is based on an Indian express report filed by Khaled Ahmed. Here is an excerpt. "Holy Family Hospital, which is celebrating its diamond jubilee, has meticulously maintained medical records in its yellowing registers. Started in 1953 by missionaries, the hospital has witnessed the births of Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi. Both have been identified as “baby Sonia Gandhi” in hospital records. Sonia Gandhi, then 23 years old, gave birth to Rahul on 19.6.1970 at 2.28 pm."

At the outset I would like to list the good points of the chart.
Lagna and Jupiter are Vargottam
Mars and Venus fall in Pushkar Navansha, though Mars is combust. These are powerful factors that help him a great deal.
The tenth house, its lord and Karak (Significator)
The tenth house contains Cancer. It has a Bhav Bal of 583 units, and its lord Moon is placed in the third house which happens to be the sixth from it. In the Navansha chart, Moon goes to the seventh house. Moon is pretty strong with full Pakshbal and slightly beneficial. The Lagna, the third house and tenth house are connected by the placement of their lords. The tenth lord is placed in the third house where he gives the following results as given in classics."The native travels frequently on journeys connected to profession. The siblings will be very helpful." In the Navamsa chart, Moon is placed in the seventh house which happens to be the fifth from where it is placed in the Birth chart. Jupiter aspects Moon and makes a Gaj Kesri Yog. This is a positive feature that helps with the ruling powers.The 64th Navamsa from Moon happens to be Cancer. Rahu traverses it from 8/9/2017 to 27/10/2017. This would prove to be a vexing period for Rahul Gandhi. He should be on his guard against injury and scandals. From birth Moon, this transit will take place over the 8th house.
Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Sun are the Karak planets of the tenth house. We shall mainly consider Sun as it the natural Karak for the King, Kingship and governance.
Sun is very powerful and beneficial and placed in the ninth house. As the eleventh lord he bestows a large paternal fortune and good fortune in life. He gives houses, vehicles and every conceivable luxury. It makes one a truth lover and spiritual. The strong placement of Sun is a good prop in his quest for becoming the PM of India.
The second house, its lord and Karak.
The second house rules over speech, food, ruling powers and extent of academic achievements. The second house gets 362 units of strength and is decidedly weak. Second lord Mars is not strong and weak in the Isht/Kasht ratio. Neech Saturn and Rahu both aspect Mars making it mostly unhelpful.
Mars rules over speech as well and this explains why Rahul is a bad orator and prone to fumble for words. Mercury, which represents intellect, eloquence and problem solving ability is also unfavorable and responsible for the gaffes that he often makes. It also explains his poor academic record. A life devoid of a steady and fruitful relationship/ marriage is also revealed by the adverse Mars.
Planet Jupiter is the Karak for the second house and has 130% of the required strength. Jupiter is Vargottam strong and beneficial. He takes up the slack created by weak Mars to some extent.
Rahul Gandhi is basically a nice and kind person and not given to cheating at the personal level. His chart however does not have the power to elevate him to a kingship. His inability to analyze complex situations and communicate with the masses are the main stumbling blocks. The fifth house of giving sound advice to his subordinates is vitiated by the presence of Rahu and a Neech lord Saturn. It is not for him to make a team and lead it to victory. He will never become the PM of India.
Bouquets and brickbats at rajiv@indian-vedicastrology.com, planetstories@gmail.com
Rajiv Sethi
For consultation call mobile : 9899589211
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