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Friday, November 13, 2009

Reincarnation – What It Is, And More Importantly Does It Really exist? Part IV

Continuation of the previous Blog. . . .

How does reincarnation work?
For us to understand the mechanics of reincarnation we have to define two more terms. The causal and the astral body. Let us do this now.

Causal body
If we take a drop of water from the ocean and chemically analyze it, it would be identical in every way with water in the ocean. There is however one difference. The drop has now an identity of its own. It is no longer an ocean, it’s a drop. It is bound by the laws of physics which give it its shape. It is important to remember this point.

When the universal spirit or God divides itself into smaller parts, each part become a soul, and like an ocean drop, it resembles the universal spirit in every way. There is one important difference though, the soul being a conscious entity, develops the idea of a separate existence.

Just as an ocean drop is bound by laws of physics like gravity and surface tension, the soul too is bound by certain forces. Five different types of electrical energies bind the soul and give it the idea of a separate existence which is different and removed from universal spirit. Despite this the soul has all the qualities of universal spirit. In Sanskrit it is called “Karan Sharir “ as it is the underlying cause for the emergence of the known universe.

Causal body is purely an energy form. The five different electrical energies form the basis of five organs of cognition in the animal kingdom including humans. This happens in the next step of development.
Astral body

Astral body is electro magnetic in nature and is a step forward in the evolution of life from pure energy. The five energies that bind the soul, give rise to five organs of cognizance, five organs of action and five more of the objects that will be recognized by the senses and acted upon by our limbs. The Sanskrit names for these are Gyanendria, Karmendria and Tanmatra.

By Gyanendria, or five organs of recognition we mean the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.

Karmendria or the five organs of action are the organs of locomotion or feet. Organs of manual skill or hands, organs of speech, organs of nutritional intake and organs of excretion.

Tanmatra are the objects of the sense of smell, taste, sight, touch and sound which get united with the organs of action to satisfy our desires.

When we eat an apple, our eyes and nose (Gyanendria) recognize the red fruit as apple (Tanmatra), our mouth (Karmendria) chews and tongue (Gyanendria) confirms the taste as apple. Our brain then combines and
synthesizes all these inputs, the resultant feeling satisfies our desire which is usually hunger and taste driven. We can also define this process as below.

Tanmatra are recognized by Gyanendria and neutralized by Karmendria to satisfy the desire of the heart.

These five organs of recognition, five of action and five of the objects of these actions constitute fifteen of the seventeen parts that make the “Suksham Sharira” or astral body.

We shall talk about the two missing parts in the next Blog.

Rajiv Sethi

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