Free astrology 2010 Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
For people born with cancer Moon, Jupiter transits the eighth house until end of 2010. Saturn continues its transit in the third house for the duration of 1010 and beyond. Rahu transits the sixth house throughout the coming year.
Saturn gives excellent results when passing through the third house from Moon. Health, luxuries and courage all show an appreciable increase. There is success at every step and financial situations improves appreciably. This transit also brings new employment opportunities and victory over enemies. This is a favorable time for buying real estate.
Saturn has feet of copper during his stay in the third house. One can safely expect receipt of happy news, success in all spheres, and gains from government. Financial situation shows a remarkable improvement.
Saturn while passing through Virgo, causes self indulgence. Self discipline is therefore required. This applies more particularly to sex related activities where one can overstep the boundary and land into trouble.
In the eighth house from Moon, Jupiter does not give favorable results. Imprisonment, sorrow, illness, loss due to theft and troubles due to government can be the worst case scenario if other conditions exist and the appropriate Dasha-Bhukti is running. One can get into problems due to harsh speech. Money supply dwindles and business suffers. Health problems increase during this phase. Long journeys May not give desired results and delay and discomforts are quite likely. Enmity with children especially sons is also possible.
Rahu’s transit in the sixth house can causes long term illness. There is also a possibility of loss of reputation. Earnings decline and one has to dip into savings. Eyesight and eyes become affected in an adverse way. Mother’s brothers suffer as well. This period however has one good result as well. One enjoys gourmet food and eats well.
The remedial measures are given in the Blog for Taurus individuals. These will apply here as well.
The favorable and unfavorable transits are however only one aspect of how 2010 will work for you. An adverse planetary period will reduce the gains available while a favorable one will increase it even more.
To know more about the relationship between your chart and the coming year, please call or write to me.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
How is 2010 for you? Yearly Results For Twelve Moon Signs - Gemini
Free astrology 2010 PredictionsPredictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
For people born with Moon in Gemini, Saturn transits the fourth house for the whole of 2010. Jupiter remains in the ninth until the year end and Rahu continues his transit through the seventh house from Moon.
Saturn does not give happy results in the fourth house as he creates unhappiness and tends to change place of residence. This transit is also not helpful to the mother.
The third house aspect of Saturn falls on the sixth house and tends to suppress ill health and enemies, opponents etc. He also helps in repayment of debts and loans.
The seventh house aspect falls on the tenth house of profession and tends to create unwelcome changes in the professional sphere. One feels unsettled and growth gets stunted.
The tenth aspect falls on Lagna itself and causes health issues and obstacles in pursuit of happiness. Saturn has the Paya (feet) of iron and his results during the year will bring about domestic troubles and unhappiness, losses in business and profession, unsound health and strained relations with relatives.
Jupiter transits the ninth house where his results are very favorable. Finances improve and there is general prosperity. One gets professional success and gains status and fame. In addition to this there is a distinct leaning towards spirituality, and one spends time and money on charity. A pilgrimage, and for Hindus a dip in a holy river is a distinct possibility. One’s children also get the same benefits.
The fifth house aspect of Jupiter falls on the Ascendant and nourishes general health and prosperity. The seventh house aspect falls on the third house of communication and short journeys. One benefits from both.
Finally the ninth house aspect falls on the fifth house of children and improves their overall situation.
Rahu transits the seventh where he confers sudden profits in business. Journeys become fruitful and produce wealth. Overseas people and business become a source of profit. The government of the day proves helpful and becomes a source of gains. Minor discomforts occur because of imbalance of Pitta and Vaata (Bile and Wind) in the body. Rahu aspects the Moon from here so mind becomes restive and darts all over the universe. Meditation and Yoga is the best remedy against this restlessness.
This is a year of change for people born in Gemini Rashi. A shift in thinking process through an epiphany is very likely. A change of residence or a long travel are not ruled out.
The remedial measures given for Saturn in the Blog for Taurus will remove most of the problems.
The favorable and unfavorable transits are however only one aspect of how 2010 will work for you. An adverse planetary period will reduce the gains available while a favorable one will increase it even more.
To know more about the relationship between your chart and the coming year, call or write to me.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
For people born with Moon in Gemini, Saturn transits the fourth house for the whole of 2010. Jupiter remains in the ninth until the year end and Rahu continues his transit through the seventh house from Moon.
Saturn does not give happy results in the fourth house as he creates unhappiness and tends to change place of residence. This transit is also not helpful to the mother.
The third house aspect of Saturn falls on the sixth house and tends to suppress ill health and enemies, opponents etc. He also helps in repayment of debts and loans.
The seventh house aspect falls on the tenth house of profession and tends to create unwelcome changes in the professional sphere. One feels unsettled and growth gets stunted.
The tenth aspect falls on Lagna itself and causes health issues and obstacles in pursuit of happiness. Saturn has the Paya (feet) of iron and his results during the year will bring about domestic troubles and unhappiness, losses in business and profession, unsound health and strained relations with relatives.
Jupiter transits the ninth house where his results are very favorable. Finances improve and there is general prosperity. One gets professional success and gains status and fame. In addition to this there is a distinct leaning towards spirituality, and one spends time and money on charity. A pilgrimage, and for Hindus a dip in a holy river is a distinct possibility. One’s children also get the same benefits.
The fifth house aspect of Jupiter falls on the Ascendant and nourishes general health and prosperity. The seventh house aspect falls on the third house of communication and short journeys. One benefits from both.
Finally the ninth house aspect falls on the fifth house of children and improves their overall situation.
Rahu transits the seventh where he confers sudden profits in business. Journeys become fruitful and produce wealth. Overseas people and business become a source of profit. The government of the day proves helpful and becomes a source of gains. Minor discomforts occur because of imbalance of Pitta and Vaata (Bile and Wind) in the body. Rahu aspects the Moon from here so mind becomes restive and darts all over the universe. Meditation and Yoga is the best remedy against this restlessness.
This is a year of change for people born in Gemini Rashi. A shift in thinking process through an epiphany is very likely. A change of residence or a long travel are not ruled out.
The remedial measures given for Saturn in the Blog for Taurus will remove most of the problems.
The favorable and unfavorable transits are however only one aspect of how 2010 will work for you. An adverse planetary period will reduce the gains available while a favorable one will increase it even more.
To know more about the relationship between your chart and the coming year, call or write to me.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
How is 2010 for you? Yearly Results For Twelve Moon Signs - Taurus
Free astrology 2010 Predictions given here are based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work if you are using your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
For people born with Moon in Taurus, Jupiter occupies the tenth house from Moon throughout the year. The fifth house aspect of Jupiter falls on the second house of wealth and strengthens it. The seventh house aspect falls on the fourth house and increases happiness. The ninth house aspect falls on the sixth house and makes one unlucky. The overall results of Jupiter are not overly promising in the tenth house.
Saturn transits the fifth house from Moon and causes a lot of financial hardships. The third house aspect falls on the seventh house and causes ill health for the spouse. His seventh house aspect falls on eleventh house of financial gains and separates one from income. The tenth house aspect falls on the second house of accumulated money or wealth and separates one from his savings.
Saturn has the feet of silver during this transit and some good results also accrue. These materialize as gains of/from real estate, smooth relations with extended family, and gains from the government.
The fifth house transit of Saturn usually causes mental agony.
Rahu transits the eighth house from Moon throughout the year. He gives sudden increase in wealth during this transit. One also gets opportunities to go abroad. This period can also cause serious illness, so even small complaints need to be taken seriously.
Remedial measures for Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu.
* Chanting of Maha Mritunjaya Mantra is very efficacious during adverse transits of Saturn.
* Chanting of Shani Mantra which is OM PRAAM PREEM PROM SAHA SHANYE NAMAHA. Also proves very helpful. This mantra should be chanted 23000 times in forty days.
* Recitation of Dashrath Stotra or Pipplad Uvaach every day twice a day removes all problems of all adverse transits of Saturn.
* Wearing a ring made from a nail removed from the bottom of a boat, or made from the horseshoe of a black horse (Front right foot) is also very helpful.
* Observing a fast on Saturdays greatly reduces the intensity of this bad transit. One should consume only milk, yogurt and fruit juice. If allergic to milk protein, consume only fruits. The fast should be broken in the evening with a dish of khichri made with boiled Urad Dal and rice.
* On a Saturday, make a dish of boiled Urad Dal, sesame seeds (black), and jaggery and bury it in a place where people do not walk. Or
* Bury an earthenware pot filled with honey in a shallow pit.
Dashrath Stotra, Pipplad Uvaach and Maha Mritunjaya mantra can be purchased from any book shop selling religious books from near a temple. People who can’t read Sanskrit can make do with Chanting of Shani Mantra alone.
* Chant the following mantra every day at least 108 times.
* Chant the following mantra 18000 times in forty days.
* Every Saturday take a de husked coconut and anoint it with a mixture of black sesame seeds and mustard oil. Wrap it with a small length of red colored un-spun cotton thread (Moli). Move it around your head three times while chanting above mantra then float the coconut in a water body. Do this for at least five consecutive Saturdays.
* Donate a gemstone called Gomed to a needy and poor person.
However never wear this gemstone.
* Have a ring made with seven parts gold, twelve parts silver and sixteen parts copper. The ring should be in the form of a serpent. Wear this ring on a Saturday and later on donate black sesame seeds, Urad Dal and a length of blue woolen cloth to the poor.
The favorable and unfavorable transits are however only one aspect of how 2010 will work for you. An adverse planetary period will reduce the gains available while a favorable one will increase it even more.
To know more about the relationship between your chart and the coming year, call or write to me.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
For people born with Moon in Taurus, Jupiter occupies the tenth house from Moon throughout the year. The fifth house aspect of Jupiter falls on the second house of wealth and strengthens it. The seventh house aspect falls on the fourth house and increases happiness. The ninth house aspect falls on the sixth house and makes one unlucky. The overall results of Jupiter are not overly promising in the tenth house.
Saturn transits the fifth house from Moon and causes a lot of financial hardships. The third house aspect falls on the seventh house and causes ill health for the spouse. His seventh house aspect falls on eleventh house of financial gains and separates one from income. The tenth house aspect falls on the second house of accumulated money or wealth and separates one from his savings.
Saturn has the feet of silver during this transit and some good results also accrue. These materialize as gains of/from real estate, smooth relations with extended family, and gains from the government.
The fifth house transit of Saturn usually causes mental agony.
Rahu transits the eighth house from Moon throughout the year. He gives sudden increase in wealth during this transit. One also gets opportunities to go abroad. This period can also cause serious illness, so even small complaints need to be taken seriously.
Remedial measures for Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu.
* Chanting of Maha Mritunjaya Mantra is very efficacious during adverse transits of Saturn.
* Chanting of Shani Mantra which is OM PRAAM PREEM PROM SAHA SHANYE NAMAHA. Also proves very helpful. This mantra should be chanted 23000 times in forty days.
* Recitation of Dashrath Stotra or Pipplad Uvaach every day twice a day removes all problems of all adverse transits of Saturn.
* Wearing a ring made from a nail removed from the bottom of a boat, or made from the horseshoe of a black horse (Front right foot) is also very helpful.
* Observing a fast on Saturdays greatly reduces the intensity of this bad transit. One should consume only milk, yogurt and fruit juice. If allergic to milk protein, consume only fruits. The fast should be broken in the evening with a dish of khichri made with boiled Urad Dal and rice.
* On a Saturday, make a dish of boiled Urad Dal, sesame seeds (black), and jaggery and bury it in a place where people do not walk. Or
* Bury an earthenware pot filled with honey in a shallow pit.
Dashrath Stotra, Pipplad Uvaach and Maha Mritunjaya mantra can be purchased from any book shop selling religious books from near a temple. People who can’t read Sanskrit can make do with Chanting of Shani Mantra alone.
* Chant the following mantra every day at least 108 times.
* Chant the following mantra 18000 times in forty days.
* Every Saturday take a de husked coconut and anoint it with a mixture of black sesame seeds and mustard oil. Wrap it with a small length of red colored un-spun cotton thread (Moli). Move it around your head three times while chanting above mantra then float the coconut in a water body. Do this for at least five consecutive Saturdays.
* Donate a gemstone called Gomed to a needy and poor person.
However never wear this gemstone.
* Have a ring made with seven parts gold, twelve parts silver and sixteen parts copper. The ring should be in the form of a serpent. Wear this ring on a Saturday and later on donate black sesame seeds, Urad Dal and a length of blue woolen cloth to the poor.
The favorable and unfavorable transits are however only one aspect of how 2010 will work for you. An adverse planetary period will reduce the gains available while a favorable one will increase it even more.
To know more about the relationship between your chart and the coming year, call or write to me.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
Monday, December 28, 2009
How is 2010 for you? Yearly Results For Twelve Moon Signs - Aries
Predictions given here are strictly based on the position of Moon in your birth chart. These will not work for your Sun sign. To find out where your Moon was at birth, send an email with your date, place and time of birth in AM/PM to
For people born with Moon in Aries, Jupiter occupies the beneficial and favorable eleventh house until December 08,2010. Saturn remains in the sixth house where he becomes retrograde and then direct at various times of the year. Rahu occupies the ninth house for the whole of the year and leaves Sagittarius for Scorpio only on May 02, 2011.
All major planets are placed in favorable houses making this a memorable year. First off, transiting the sixth house from Moon, Saturn gives very gratifying results. Expect increase of wealth, prosperity and comforts in your daily life. If involved in a legal battle, you are likely to win your case. Long pending litigation finally goes your way. This is true of problems occurring at your work place as well. You are able to score an important point against your opponents. A salary hike is not ruled out. Aspirations related to real estate purchase come to fruition this year. Saturn suppresses the diseases of all types and chronic patients are likely to have a trouble free year. Any measures taken to improve health will yield quick results.
Romance and opposite sex take center stage and your efforts in this direction prove fruitful. One needs to be careful though as Saturn in Virgo gives a desire to chase girls of a tender age. This needs to be avoided as seeds of trouble sown now will sprout later causing embarrassment, infamy and even legal action. Saturn has gold feet during this transit so in addition to the good results mentioned above, you will also have to contend with strained relations with extended family, financial drain, false accusations.
Jupiter transits the eleventh house and brings wealth and prosperity. If there is Dhan Yog in the birth chart this transit of Jupiter nourishes it. Even otherwise money flows in without much effort. The desire for spirituality and philanthropy gets accentuated this year and you spend on both.
Rahu transits the favorable ninth houses and causes sudden and plentiful gains. You might win some money in a game of chance, a raffle or a lottery. The money will be quickly spent but will give you a memorable time. Work, related to and pending with bureaucracy moves forward and becomes a source of gain. A visit to a spiritual or a religious place is also likely at least one during 2010.
The favorable transits are however only one aspect of how 2010 will work for you. An adverse planetary period will reduce the gains available while a favorable one will increase it even more.
To know more about the relationship between your chart and the coming year, call or write to me.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
Readers in India can reach me at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
For people born with Moon in Aries, Jupiter occupies the beneficial and favorable eleventh house until December 08,2010. Saturn remains in the sixth house where he becomes retrograde and then direct at various times of the year. Rahu occupies the ninth house for the whole of the year and leaves Sagittarius for Scorpio only on May 02, 2011.
All major planets are placed in favorable houses making this a memorable year. First off, transiting the sixth house from Moon, Saturn gives very gratifying results. Expect increase of wealth, prosperity and comforts in your daily life. If involved in a legal battle, you are likely to win your case. Long pending litigation finally goes your way. This is true of problems occurring at your work place as well. You are able to score an important point against your opponents. A salary hike is not ruled out. Aspirations related to real estate purchase come to fruition this year. Saturn suppresses the diseases of all types and chronic patients are likely to have a trouble free year. Any measures taken to improve health will yield quick results.
Romance and opposite sex take center stage and your efforts in this direction prove fruitful. One needs to be careful though as Saturn in Virgo gives a desire to chase girls of a tender age. This needs to be avoided as seeds of trouble sown now will sprout later causing embarrassment, infamy and even legal action. Saturn has gold feet during this transit so in addition to the good results mentioned above, you will also have to contend with strained relations with extended family, financial drain, false accusations.
Jupiter transits the eleventh house and brings wealth and prosperity. If there is Dhan Yog in the birth chart this transit of Jupiter nourishes it. Even otherwise money flows in without much effort. The desire for spirituality and philanthropy gets accentuated this year and you spend on both.
Rahu transits the favorable ninth houses and causes sudden and plentiful gains. You might win some money in a game of chance, a raffle or a lottery. The money will be quickly spent but will give you a memorable time. Work, related to and pending with bureaucracy moves forward and becomes a source of gain. A visit to a spiritual or a religious place is also likely at least one during 2010.
The favorable transits are however only one aspect of how 2010 will work for you. An adverse planetary period will reduce the gains available while a favorable one will increase it even more.
To know more about the relationship between your chart and the coming year, call or write to me.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
Readers in India can reach me at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Vastu Shastra - The Science Of Hindu Architecture Part IV
Vastu directions
The Hindu system recognizes eight directions which are secured during any ritual. These are also used to site specific areas of a house in a floor plan.
Here is the list. The intermediate directions use a suffix Kone meaning that these are angular.
Poorva – East. Pashchim – West, Uttar – North, Dakshin – South, Eshan – Northeast, Vayavya – Northwest, Agneya – Southeast, Naritya – Southwest.
The Hindu system recognizes eight directions which are secured during any ritual. These are also used to site specific areas of a house in a floor plan.
Here is the list. The intermediate directions use a suffix Kone meaning that these are angular.
Poorva – East. Pashchim – West, Uttar – North, Dakshin – South, Eshan – Northeast, Vayavya – Northwest, Agneya – Southeast, Naritya – Southwest.
Some Do’s and don’ts while choosing a plot and constructing a house.
• The east-west side of the plot should be longer than the north-south side.
• A small plot sandwiched between two bigger plots drains away prosperity.
• The sides should be straight and well defined. Zigzag boundary is always best left alone.
• The kitchen should always be situated in the south or south-east of the house. HVAC equipment should also be sited here.
• The heavy machinery or heavy objects like safe are best kept in the Naritya Kone.
• The more heavy stuff is placed in the Dakshin (south) or Naritya the better it becomes for the peace and prosperity of the people who live in the home.
• North, Eshan Kone and Vayavya Kone should be light. Thins and objects place here should be lightweight.
• The eastern direction should be free from tall trees and tall buildings as these obstruct the highly beneficial energy of the early morning Sun.
• The water tanks on the roof should be situated in the Naritya Kone (southwest)
• Kitchen can be sited only in the Agneya Kone. If that is some how not possible, the next best direction is south .
• All doors should be of the same height and same is true of windows as well. Windows should all be set at the same height throughout the house.
• The house should be situated as far as possible in the middle of the plot and there should be a walkway around it.
• Water tank for storage of water, tube well etc. should be placed in the north, but a big water body is not good here.
• The sewage and water disposal is acceptable in east, north, northeast and northwest directions only.
• If a house needs to be extended, it should be extended in all four directions.
• The toilet should be situated so that the person relieving herself faces north or south.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
• The east-west side of the plot should be longer than the north-south side.
• A small plot sandwiched between two bigger plots drains away prosperity.
• The sides should be straight and well defined. Zigzag boundary is always best left alone.
• The kitchen should always be situated in the south or south-east of the house. HVAC equipment should also be sited here.
• The heavy machinery or heavy objects like safe are best kept in the Naritya Kone.
• The more heavy stuff is placed in the Dakshin (south) or Naritya the better it becomes for the peace and prosperity of the people who live in the home.
• North, Eshan Kone and Vayavya Kone should be light. Thins and objects place here should be lightweight.
• The eastern direction should be free from tall trees and tall buildings as these obstruct the highly beneficial energy of the early morning Sun.
• The water tanks on the roof should be situated in the Naritya Kone (southwest)
• Kitchen can be sited only in the Agneya Kone. If that is some how not possible, the next best direction is south .
• All doors should be of the same height and same is true of windows as well. Windows should all be set at the same height throughout the house.
• The house should be situated as far as possible in the middle of the plot and there should be a walkway around it.
• Water tank for storage of water, tube well etc. should be placed in the north, but a big water body is not good here.
• The sewage and water disposal is acceptable in east, north, northeast and northwest directions only.
• If a house needs to be extended, it should be extended in all four directions.
• The toilet should be situated so that the person relieving herself faces north or south.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Vastu Shastra - The Science Of Hindu Architecture Part III
Depending upon their mental proclivities, human beings can be divided into four categories. The first category comprises of people who are intellectual and use their intellect to make a living.
Those who have a talent to govern and also those who can bear arms to defend their country against an invader belong to the second category.
In the third category are people who have a significant talent for trade and commerce and are able to generate wealth for their country.
Finally there are people who are mentally geared for service industry only, and earn their living by providing their services to others. They belong to the fourth category.
These four categories are called Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Hindu society was graded into four casts based upon the natural tendencies of people. These casts were not set in stone. A person could move up or down in the hierarchy depending upon his calling. Over a long period of time the system became ossified with all its attendant complications.
The soil in a plot is also divided into four categories and each category of soil is good for the corresponding social class. If the color of soil is white or close to it, it is called Brahmini or good for Brahmins. Red colored soil is good for Kshatriya caste, greenish hued soil for the Vaishya class and finally black colored soil is good for Shudra class.
Vastu frowns upon plots of land which are situated close to rivers and lakes. Water is a significant storehouse of energy and a water body on the east, west or north direction of a plot is considered unfavorable. It tends to drain away wealth from the inhabitants. If one must have a swimming pool, it should always be constructed in the south of the plot. This is the only direction where it becomes favorable.
There is another way to assess the results of a plot of land. The owner should measure the length and breadth of the house using the length of his arm as a unit of length. Multiplying the two will give the area of the plot. This must be divided by seven and the remainder noted. Even remainders are not good. Odd remainders promote happiness and prosperity.
The following table gives the applicable results .
Those who have a talent to govern and also those who can bear arms to defend their country against an invader belong to the second category.
In the third category are people who have a significant talent for trade and commerce and are able to generate wealth for their country.
Finally there are people who are mentally geared for service industry only, and earn their living by providing their services to others. They belong to the fourth category.
These four categories are called Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Hindu society was graded into four casts based upon the natural tendencies of people. These casts were not set in stone. A person could move up or down in the hierarchy depending upon his calling. Over a long period of time the system became ossified with all its attendant complications.
The soil in a plot is also divided into four categories and each category of soil is good for the corresponding social class. If the color of soil is white or close to it, it is called Brahmini or good for Brahmins. Red colored soil is good for Kshatriya caste, greenish hued soil for the Vaishya class and finally black colored soil is good for Shudra class.
Vastu frowns upon plots of land which are situated close to rivers and lakes. Water is a significant storehouse of energy and a water body on the east, west or north direction of a plot is considered unfavorable. It tends to drain away wealth from the inhabitants. If one must have a swimming pool, it should always be constructed in the south of the plot. This is the only direction where it becomes favorable.
There is another way to assess the results of a plot of land. The owner should measure the length and breadth of the house using the length of his arm as a unit of length. Multiplying the two will give the area of the plot. This must be divided by seven and the remainder noted. Even remainders are not good. Odd remainders promote happiness and prosperity.
The following table gives the applicable results .
Remainder | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Vastu | Pennant | Smoke | Lion | Dog |
Result | Wealth | Delusion | Money | Arguments |
Remainder | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Vastu | Bull | Donkey | Elephant | Dhwast |
Result | Wealth | Trouble | Progeny | Destruction |
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Vastu Shastra or the science of Hindu architecture Part II
Free Vastu article......
Once the right shaped plot – square or rectangular – has been chosen, the next step is to determine a few other things related to it.
The slope of the plot is an important consideration. If you find one that slopes towards the east, the north or northeast, consider yourself very lucky as ground sloping in these directions promotes happiness and prosperity. The opposite is also true.
The second step before beginning the construction is the examination of the soil. Dig a hole which is one meter long, one meter wide and a meter deep. Once this is done, fill the hole with the excavated soil. If the hole gets filled up and some soil still remains, the land is full of promise and the house built on it will be a happy one. If the soil just fills the hole and there is no left over, the land is of medium type and can be used for the purpose of building a house. If the soil is all used up and the hole remains somewhat unfilled, the land is not good for building.
This test actually examines the compactness of the soil. Loose soil will come unstuck during an earthquake and even during heavy rains, threatening the lives of the inhabitants.
The second step in soil testing involves removing the soil from the above hole once again and this time filling it completely with water. This should be done in the evening. The hole should be examined the next morning. If there is some water still left in it, the land is very good for construction. If there is no water but the soil in the hole is moist, the land is adequate for the purpose of building on it. If the soil appears cracks and torn apart, the plot should be discarded.
As mentioned above a plot of land sloping towards east, north or northeast is very fortunate. Slopes to other directions have different meanings. For example if the slope is towards the south, the land will bring grief and death to the occupants. Land that slopes to the west brings recognition and fame but destroys prosperity. It is good as a hermitage but not as a living accommodation.
Slopes in other directions are not favorable either.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
To schedule an astrology reading call me at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Once the right shaped plot – square or rectangular – has been chosen, the next step is to determine a few other things related to it.
The slope of the plot is an important consideration. If you find one that slopes towards the east, the north or northeast, consider yourself very lucky as ground sloping in these directions promotes happiness and prosperity. The opposite is also true.
The second step before beginning the construction is the examination of the soil. Dig a hole which is one meter long, one meter wide and a meter deep. Once this is done, fill the hole with the excavated soil. If the hole gets filled up and some soil still remains, the land is full of promise and the house built on it will be a happy one. If the soil just fills the hole and there is no left over, the land is of medium type and can be used for the purpose of building a house. If the soil is all used up and the hole remains somewhat unfilled, the land is not good for building.
This test actually examines the compactness of the soil. Loose soil will come unstuck during an earthquake and even during heavy rains, threatening the lives of the inhabitants.
The second step in soil testing involves removing the soil from the above hole once again and this time filling it completely with water. This should be done in the evening. The hole should be examined the next morning. If there is some water still left in it, the land is very good for construction. If there is no water but the soil in the hole is moist, the land is adequate for the purpose of building on it. If the soil appears cracks and torn apart, the plot should be discarded.
As mentioned above a plot of land sloping towards east, north or northeast is very fortunate. Slopes to other directions have different meanings. For example if the slope is towards the south, the land will bring grief and death to the occupants. Land that slopes to the west brings recognition and fame but destroys prosperity. It is good as a hermitage but not as a living accommodation.
Slopes in other directions are not favorable either.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
To schedule an astrology reading call me at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Vastu Shastra or the science of Hindu architecture.
Vastu is an ancient system of Hindu architecture that harmonizes the energy field in any given plot of land with the structure to be raised there. The prevailing energy field in a plot of land is a combination of gravitational, magnetic and radiant energies and has a significant affect on the mind and body of the people who inhabit that building. Although Vastu is a complete architectural system for all types of buildings like, residential, commercial, and those built for government offices, in this article we will mainly restrict ourselves to homes and residential accommodations.
The Hindu philosophy views the creation as primarily made of five electricities. The positive attributes of these five electricities produce Gyanendria or organs of cognition. The neutralizing attributes of these electricities produce Karmendria or organs of action and the negative attributes produce Tanmatra – The objects on which Karmendria act to produce a signal that can be recognized by Gyanendria. (For more details about these, please read earlier and separate Blogs about details of Hindu conception of the origin of the universe.)
The Tanmatra combine together to form five primary constituents of this creation. These are Kshiti, Ap, Tejas, Marut and Akash, or solids, liquids, fire, gaseous and ethereal elements. Since all of these have a significant affect on our well being and happiness, it is extremely important that these be in harmony with each other and the humans who will be living there. Vastu is uniquely designed to do just that. Vastu and astrology have an intimate correlation and without a sound knowledge of astrology, a Vastu architect remains suspect.
Vastu begins from the point of choosing the land. Different shapes of plots have different results connected to them. Lets us examine each of these.
- Square plots are the best and people living in houses constructed there get full measure of happiness and prosperity.
- Rectangular plots are also considered good and promote health and prosperity.
- Triangular plots of land are considered bad and should be left alone. these create needless litigation and health issues.
- Land with five or more corners is also considered fit for rejection, unless a portion can be hived off to create a rectangular or square plot.
- Circular plots are also considered useless as these bring about endless complications in life. The circular shape destroys decisiveness and does not allow any planning to go through. Policy decisions taken in circular or oval offices create more problems than they solve.
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A story from Panchtantra
Once upon a time in a village in India there lived a man and his son. They had a small home and a few donkeys which they used to haul goods for people who had goods to be hauled.
Once they had to travel together to a neighboring village to attend a marriage. They packed a few belongings in two bags and set out early next day with a donkey. The father and son were walking and donkey was following them tethered to a rope. After some time they met a few travelers coming towards them from the opposite side. As the two passed each other the father and son heard them saying to each other,” What idiocy.” “They have a donkey and they are still walking.”
The father and son realized that maybe the people who had just passed them by were right, so they both mounted the donkey and kept going. This was decidedly better than walking in the hot Sun. Soon they saw another group of people coming towards them. As they passed each other, one of them said,” Brother have a heart. The two of you together on a donkey will surely kill it.” The man thought that there was a valid argument there so he got down from the donkey and started to walk.
Some time passed and they met a few people who were resting under the shade of a tree. When they saw the son on the donkey and the father walking, one of them muttered, “ This world is sure unfair. The young son is riding the donkey while the old father is walking in this hot Sun.” The son overheard this and was a little ashamed. He dismounted and made his father ride the donkey. They traveled for a while in peace and then chanced upon a man who was coming towards them.
The man approaching them came near and said,” It isn’t fair that your son should walk while you ride the donkey.” So the man on the donkey thought that this was a valid objection and dismounted.
The two of them had tried everything and were still criticized. They therefore tied the donkey’s front feet together and did the same with its rear feet as well. Then they passes a stout bamboo through the fore and rear legs and carried the donkey slung upside down over their shoulders.
By this time they had reached the bank of a small river over which there was just a narrow wooden bridge. As they were crossing one of them stumbled and lost his foothold. The donkey who was already quite uncomfortable and scared wriggled to cut loose. This made both of them lose their grip over the bamboo pole and the donkey fell in the river and drowned.
Moral of the story. No matter what one does, one will always be criticized for his actions. It is pointless to be sensitive to what others think of you. Develop a thick skin, plan your work and work your plan. Also remember that when ever an elephant walks, the dogs always bark. The elephant does not respond. It keeps walking majestically.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.

Once they had to travel together to a neighboring village to attend a marriage. They packed a few belongings in two bags and set out early next day with a donkey. The father and son were walking and donkey was following them tethered to a rope. After some time they met a few travelers coming towards them from the opposite side. As the two passed each other the father and son heard them saying to each other,” What idiocy.” “They have a donkey and they are still walking.”
The father and son realized that maybe the people who had just passed them by were right, so they both mounted the donkey and kept going. This was decidedly better than walking in the hot Sun. Soon they saw another group of people coming towards them. As they passed each other, one of them said,” Brother have a heart. The two of you together on a donkey will surely kill it.” The man thought that there was a valid argument there so he got down from the donkey and started to walk.
Some time passed and they met a few people who were resting under the shade of a tree. When they saw the son on the donkey and the father walking, one of them muttered, “ This world is sure unfair. The young son is riding the donkey while the old father is walking in this hot Sun.” The son overheard this and was a little ashamed. He dismounted and made his father ride the donkey. They traveled for a while in peace and then chanced upon a man who was coming towards them.
The man approaching them came near and said,” It isn’t fair that your son should walk while you ride the donkey.” So the man on the donkey thought that this was a valid objection and dismounted.
The two of them had tried everything and were still criticized. They therefore tied the donkey’s front feet together and did the same with its rear feet as well. Then they passes a stout bamboo through the fore and rear legs and carried the donkey slung upside down over their shoulders.
By this time they had reached the bank of a small river over which there was just a narrow wooden bridge. As they were crossing one of them stumbled and lost his foothold. The donkey who was already quite uncomfortable and scared wriggled to cut loose. This made both of them lose their grip over the bamboo pole and the donkey fell in the river and drowned.
Moral of the story. No matter what one does, one will always be criticized for his actions. It is pointless to be sensitive to what others think of you. Develop a thick skin, plan your work and work your plan. Also remember that when ever an elephant walks, the dogs always bark. The elephant does not respond. It keeps walking majestically.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The interesting story of a migratory bird
Here is an interesting story I read many years ago. It has remained stuck in my memory as it has some very practical lessons for me.
Once there was a bird who got left behind during the winter migration. She started late and lonely on her long journey to warmer climes. The flight was long and tiring and it was very cold. Soon it was snowing and the bird started to lose height. She flew lower and lower until she was exhausted and finally crashed to the ice-covered ground in a pasture.
Once there was a bird who got left behind during the winter migration. She started late and lonely on her long journey to warmer climes. The flight was long and tiring and it was very cold. Soon it was snowing and the bird started to lose height. She flew lower and lower until she was exhausted and finally crashed to the ice-covered ground in a pasture.
She was almost frozen and would have died had a bull grazing next to her not decided to empty his bowels just then. As the poop fell on her, she was enveloped in its warmth and began to thaw. In her delirious state the bird imagined she was in heaven and started to sing with joy.
Just then a hungry cat who was passing nearby heard her song. In a trice the cat extricated the bird from the poop and ate her.
This story has three morals.
Just then a hungry cat who was passing nearby heard her song. In a trice the cat extricated the bird from the poop and ate her.
This story has three morals.
1. People who poop all over you need not be your enemies.
2. People who take you out from shit need not be your friends. And most importantly,
3. When in deep shit keep quiet.
So next time you are in trouble and start a prayer think of all the ramifications first. What ever is happening is happening for a reason and should be allowed to take its course. Develop a thick skin and wait it out. Intervene only if it becomes a matter of great concern. Even then wait a little more. Patience has a virtue all its own.
So next time you are in trouble and start a prayer think of all the ramifications first. What ever is happening is happening for a reason and should be allowed to take its course. Develop a thick skin and wait it out. Intervene only if it becomes a matter of great concern. Even then wait a little more. Patience has a virtue all its own.
Remember too that excellent proverb. 'Those whom the gods want destroyed, first they fulfill their every wish'
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Solar sign based compatibility – Why is it a big No in Vedic astrology? Part V
Continuation of previous Blog. . . . .
In certain cases mentioned below, the Nadi mismatch can be ignored.
- If the male and female charts have the same Rashi (Moon sign) but Nakshatra are different.
- If the two charts have the same Nakshatra but the Rashi are different.
- The Nakshatra are identical but the Nakshatra quarters are dissimilar.
To recap, the points allotted to each category are listed below.
Varna:1, Vashya:2, Tara:3, Yoni:4, Grah Maitri:5, Gana Maitri:6, Bhakoot:7 and Nadi:8. The sum of these points comes to 36.
While matching two charts, the points obtained in each category are totaled together. If the number of points is seventeen or lower, the relationship is doomed to failure and should be discarded. If two people get between 18 to 21 points, their relationship will be average. Both partners will have to display maturity to keep the relationship alive.
22-28 points indicate a successful relationship, and anything above is considered excellent. This is the soul mate type of relationship and very rare.
In a male female relationship a lot of heartache can be avoided if one goes for chart matching prior to a long term commitment. This is especially true if a couple is considering having children together.
Children brought up by a single parent, remain deprived of complete parental love and this leaves large gaps in their emotional maturity. Sexual freedom for adults is important but its use for instant gratification is not without serious repercussions. The toll it takes on growing children is huge. The stability of a society rests on stable relationships. Crime in stable societies is far lower than in freewheeling ones.
If life is about making informed choices, it is extremely important that all methods available to help that process be examined before making one. Ashtkoot matching is an extremely helpful tool to do that.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Solar sign based compatibility – Why is it a big No in Vedic astrology? Part IV
The next consideration in the assessment of compatibility is Bhakoot which looks at the mutual placement of two Ascendants. If the two partners have ascendants that fall 6-8, 5-9, or 2-12 to each other, the relationship suffers on various counts. 6-8 relationship, especially when it occurs between signs, like Aries and Virgo, Libra and Pisces etc. causes health related issues to both partners and their parents.
There are however some exceptions to this rule. If the two signs are ruled by the same planet, the problem gets canceled. Thus Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Libra pairs do not suffer from 6-8 placement rule. If the lords of the two signs are friendly, then too the problem is removed. Thus Cancer-Sagittarius, Gemini-Capricorn and Leo-Pisces become acceptable.
In western astrology signs which fall 5-9 to each other like Aries and Sagittarius, Taurus and Capricorn etc. are considered very harmonious. Hindu astrology takes a dim view of this, as couples with this grouping suffer from children related problems.
In certain conditions this defect gets eliminated. If the female Ascendant is the fifth from the male, and male Ascendant is ninth from that of female, the Dosh is removed. This however does not apply to Cancer-Pisces, Cancer-Scorpio, Gemini-Aquarius and Virgo-Capricorn.
Ascendant signs falling 2-12 to each other bring about financial difficulties to the couple.
Nadi is the eighth and last parameter to measure the extent of compatibility. It refers to the three Nadi or energy channels in the human body. These are known as Adi, Madhya and Antya Nadi. For the two partners to have the same Nadi is considered unfavorable. If both partners have Adi Nadi, there is separation after marriage. A similar situation in which both have Madhya Nadi causes financial losses. Antya Nadi for both partners causes death or death like suffering for one or the partners.
amongst all the factors mentioned above, Nadi compatibility gets the highest number of eight points. If there is a mismatch in this category, the relationship or marriage should be ruled out even if there is a good matching in other areas.
In the next Blog we shall consider some exceptions to this rule.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
There are however some exceptions to this rule. If the two signs are ruled by the same planet, the problem gets canceled. Thus Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Libra pairs do not suffer from 6-8 placement rule. If the lords of the two signs are friendly, then too the problem is removed. Thus Cancer-Sagittarius, Gemini-Capricorn and Leo-Pisces become acceptable.
In western astrology signs which fall 5-9 to each other like Aries and Sagittarius, Taurus and Capricorn etc. are considered very harmonious. Hindu astrology takes a dim view of this, as couples with this grouping suffer from children related problems.
In certain conditions this defect gets eliminated. If the female Ascendant is the fifth from the male, and male Ascendant is ninth from that of female, the Dosh is removed. This however does not apply to Cancer-Pisces, Cancer-Scorpio, Gemini-Aquarius and Virgo-Capricorn.
Ascendant signs falling 2-12 to each other bring about financial difficulties to the couple.
Nadi is the eighth and last parameter to measure the extent of compatibility. It refers to the three Nadi or energy channels in the human body. These are known as Adi, Madhya and Antya Nadi. For the two partners to have the same Nadi is considered unfavorable. If both partners have Adi Nadi, there is separation after marriage. A similar situation in which both have Madhya Nadi causes financial losses. Antya Nadi for both partners causes death or death like suffering for one or the partners.
amongst all the factors mentioned above, Nadi compatibility gets the highest number of eight points. If there is a mismatch in this category, the relationship or marriage should be ruled out even if there is a good matching in other areas.
In the next Blog we shall consider some exceptions to this rule.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Gan Maitri,
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Solar sign based compatibility – Why is it a big No in Vedic astrology? Part III
Continuation of the previous Blog. . . . .
Sex is an integral part of marriage and sexual compatibility is gauged from Yoni (loosely translated as reproductive system). Each Nakshatra has a Yoni and the Yoni of two people should not be inimical to each other. If one person has the Yoni of a cow, the other should not have a Yoni of a Tiger. Similarly elephant and lion, snake and mouse are mismatches which will cause problems in a relationship.
It is highly desirable that both people have the same Yoni. This gets them four points. If the Yoni are friendly to each other, the points obtained are three. Similar Yoni gets two points. Enemy and arch enemy Yoni get one and zero points in that order.
Grah Maitri or planetary friendship is the next parameter and refers to the friendship between the ascendant lords in two horoscopes. The two planets should be friendly to each other. Equal and enemy relationship are less desirable.
Identical or very friendly planets get five points. If one is friendly but the other is neutral, then four points are obtained. Planets equal to each other get three points. If one is friendly and the other inimical the point obtained is one. One neutral and one enemy pair gets half a point and both being enemy get zero points.
A high score is a highly desirable in this category as it reduces the vulnerability of the relationship to other problems in matching. If the Rashi lords are not friendly but the lords of their Navansh lord are friends, then too the relationship prospers.
Gana consideration is next and this refers to the natural tendency of people born in different Nakshatra. Ashwini, Mrigshira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Shravan and Revati Nakshatra are classified as Devta Gana.
Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Poorva Phalguni, Uttar Phalguni, Poorva Ashadh, Uttar Ashadh, Poorva Bhadrapad, and Uttar Bhadrapad these nine Nakshatra fall in the second category of Manushya or human Nakshatra.
Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyeshtha, Mool, Dhanishtha and Shatabhishaj fall in the third category of Rakshas or demons. This does not even for a moment mean that the category describes the person. It is only an indication of their spiritual aspirations.
Deva and Manushya are more spiritual, while Rakshas are more connected to material life and its enjoyment.
If two people belong to the same category, the relationship prospers. If one is Devta and the other Manushya it is still a good relationship. Devta-Rakshas or Manushya-Rakshas don’t work together and the relationship founders.
Both partners belonging to same Gana gets six points. If the male is Deva and the female belongs to Manushya category, then also the matching gets eight points. In contrast if the female chart has Deva and the male Manushya, one point gets deducted. Deva-Rakshas and Manushya-Rakshas matches get zero points.
To be continued . . . . . .
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Sex is an integral part of marriage and sexual compatibility is gauged from Yoni (loosely translated as reproductive system). Each Nakshatra has a Yoni and the Yoni of two people should not be inimical to each other. If one person has the Yoni of a cow, the other should not have a Yoni of a Tiger. Similarly elephant and lion, snake and mouse are mismatches which will cause problems in a relationship.
It is highly desirable that both people have the same Yoni. This gets them four points. If the Yoni are friendly to each other, the points obtained are three. Similar Yoni gets two points. Enemy and arch enemy Yoni get one and zero points in that order.
Grah Maitri or planetary friendship is the next parameter and refers to the friendship between the ascendant lords in two horoscopes. The two planets should be friendly to each other. Equal and enemy relationship are less desirable.
Identical or very friendly planets get five points. If one is friendly but the other is neutral, then four points are obtained. Planets equal to each other get three points. If one is friendly and the other inimical the point obtained is one. One neutral and one enemy pair gets half a point and both being enemy get zero points.
A high score is a highly desirable in this category as it reduces the vulnerability of the relationship to other problems in matching. If the Rashi lords are not friendly but the lords of their Navansh lord are friends, then too the relationship prospers.
Gana consideration is next and this refers to the natural tendency of people born in different Nakshatra. Ashwini, Mrigshira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Shravan and Revati Nakshatra are classified as Devta Gana.
Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Poorva Phalguni, Uttar Phalguni, Poorva Ashadh, Uttar Ashadh, Poorva Bhadrapad, and Uttar Bhadrapad these nine Nakshatra fall in the second category of Manushya or human Nakshatra.
Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyeshtha, Mool, Dhanishtha and Shatabhishaj fall in the third category of Rakshas or demons. This does not even for a moment mean that the category describes the person. It is only an indication of their spiritual aspirations.
Deva and Manushya are more spiritual, while Rakshas are more connected to material life and its enjoyment.
If two people belong to the same category, the relationship prospers. If one is Devta and the other Manushya it is still a good relationship. Devta-Rakshas or Manushya-Rakshas don’t work together and the relationship founders.
Both partners belonging to same Gana gets six points. If the male is Deva and the female belongs to Manushya category, then also the matching gets eight points. In contrast if the female chart has Deva and the male Manushya, one point gets deducted. Deva-Rakshas and Manushya-Rakshas matches get zero points.
To be continued . . . . . .
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Gan Maitri,
Friday, December 11, 2009
Solar sign based compatibility – Why is it a big No in Vedic astrology?
This equinoctial error or error due to our angular view of a planet is in fact left untouched in western astrology and that is why the predictions do not come true. Matching done on the basis of these shortcomings will be incorrect.
So how does it work in Hindu or Vedic astrology?
In Hindu astrology, two charts are matched on the basis of eight parameters. These are listed below along with their nearest English meaning.
Varn, which describes the type of work a person is intellectually suited for. The four Varna are Brahmin, Vaishya, Kshatriya and Shudra. These correspond to intellectual, business, administrative and service class pf professions. The order of importance attributed to these professions is exactly in the order given above. In the male chart if Varna is equal or superior to the chart of the woman, the relationship gains one point.
This is followed by Vashya which translates as control. Out of twelve signs there are some which are not human. Human signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius, and except Leo they control all other signs.
Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces and all animal signs - Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are controlled by Leo. Scorpio is an exception to this rule.
Human Signs consume signs like Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces. The later are therefore called Bhakshya (consumed) signs.
If two people have the same Vashya, they get two points. If one is Vashya and the other an enemy, one point is given and if one is Vashya and one is Bhakshya only half a point is obtained. If one is enemy and one Bhakshya, then no point is given.
The third parameter is Tara or constellation. The number of Nakshatra from the Nakshatra of the female partner to that of male partner is taken and divided by nine. A similar thing is done for the distance between male and female partner’s Nakshatra. If the remainder is three, five or seven, it is considered unpromising.
If both sets have unpromising remainders, no point is given. If one is favorable and the other unfavorable, one and a half points are given. If both are favorable, the relationship gains two points.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
So how does it work in Hindu or Vedic astrology?
In Hindu astrology, two charts are matched on the basis of eight parameters. These are listed below along with their nearest English meaning.
Varn, which describes the type of work a person is intellectually suited for. The four Varna are Brahmin, Vaishya, Kshatriya and Shudra. These correspond to intellectual, business, administrative and service class pf professions. The order of importance attributed to these professions is exactly in the order given above. In the male chart if Varna is equal or superior to the chart of the woman, the relationship gains one point.
This is followed by Vashya which translates as control. Out of twelve signs there are some which are not human. Human signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius, and except Leo they control all other signs.
Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces and all animal signs - Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are controlled by Leo. Scorpio is an exception to this rule.
Human Signs consume signs like Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces. The later are therefore called Bhakshya (consumed) signs.
If two people have the same Vashya, they get two points. If one is Vashya and the other an enemy, one point is given and if one is Vashya and one is Bhakshya only half a point is obtained. If one is enemy and one Bhakshya, then no point is given.
The third parameter is Tara or constellation. The number of Nakshatra from the Nakshatra of the female partner to that of male partner is taken and divided by nine. A similar thing is done for the distance between male and female partner’s Nakshatra. If the remainder is three, five or seven, it is considered unpromising.
If both sets have unpromising remainders, no point is given. If one is favorable and the other unfavorable, one and a half points are given. If both are favorable, the relationship gains two points.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Gan Maitri,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Solar sign based compatibility – Why is it a big No in Vedic astrology?
Most astrology enthusiasts have read best sellers of astrology which give a detailed account of how people will behave as a couple. These books make very interesting reading, but still do not give a comprehensive picture of the relationship between two people.
For example it does not tell us anything about whether a relationship is based on equality or whether there is one dominant partner in the equation. It also remains silent about collective destiny, work ethics, sexual life, intellectual resonance, emotional attachment and health of the couple.
When two people live together their energies interact. This interaction can be synergistic or detrimental and all this must be considered beforehand before going ahead with a relationship.
When we say relationship, we are referring to male-female relationship whether permanent or transient. It is important to note that living together for a length of time is essentially a marriage.
For any relationship to succeed, it is extremely important that spiritual, intellectual, emotional and sexual areas of two people match. The analogy of a hand and glove comes in very handy (pun intended) here. The dimensions of glove should match that of the hand. If these differ, instead of providing warmth and protection, a glove will cause discomfort and fatigue resulting in it being discarded.
What we are actually saying is that there should be lots of overlap between the two partners in terms of their personality. More the overlap the better is their relationship and happier are they together.
The popular English language books on compatibility do not give a concrete idea about whether the hand and glove fit together or not. Hindu astrology on the other hand is extremely well suited for this purpose. In a very short time it sums up the nature of interaction between two people and gives an unambiguous verdict. No wooly or hazy conjectures colored by vague texts are part of it.
In Sun based astrology, it is assumed that Sun enters a sign around twenty second of a month. It is further assumed that Sun will give uniform results throughout its transit in a sign. Both these assumptions are utterly wrong. After corrections for equinoctial point, the entry date comes close to fifteenth of a month. It is also incorrect to say that a person born on the day when Sun is on the first degree of a sign will behave similar to a person who is born when Sun is at the end of the same sign.
This equinoctial error or error due to our angular view of a planet is in fact left untouched in western astrology and that is why the predictions do not come true.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
For example it does not tell us anything about whether a relationship is based on equality or whether there is one dominant partner in the equation. It also remains silent about collective destiny, work ethics, sexual life, intellectual resonance, emotional attachment and health of the couple.
When two people live together their energies interact. This interaction can be synergistic or detrimental and all this must be considered beforehand before going ahead with a relationship.
When we say relationship, we are referring to male-female relationship whether permanent or transient. It is important to note that living together for a length of time is essentially a marriage.
For any relationship to succeed, it is extremely important that spiritual, intellectual, emotional and sexual areas of two people match. The analogy of a hand and glove comes in very handy (pun intended) here. The dimensions of glove should match that of the hand. If these differ, instead of providing warmth and protection, a glove will cause discomfort and fatigue resulting in it being discarded.
What we are actually saying is that there should be lots of overlap between the two partners in terms of their personality. More the overlap the better is their relationship and happier are they together.
The popular English language books on compatibility do not give a concrete idea about whether the hand and glove fit together or not. Hindu astrology on the other hand is extremely well suited for this purpose. In a very short time it sums up the nature of interaction between two people and gives an unambiguous verdict. No wooly or hazy conjectures colored by vague texts are part of it.
In Sun based astrology, it is assumed that Sun enters a sign around twenty second of a month. It is further assumed that Sun will give uniform results throughout its transit in a sign. Both these assumptions are utterly wrong. After corrections for equinoctial point, the entry date comes close to fifteenth of a month. It is also incorrect to say that a person born on the day when Sun is on the first degree of a sign will behave similar to a person who is born when Sun is at the end of the same sign.
This equinoctial error or error due to our angular view of a planet is in fact left untouched in western astrology and that is why the predictions do not come true.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Gan Maitri,
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
How to choose your profession? And change it if you are in a wrong one. Part VI
The planets placed in the tenth house produce results as given below under each heading. If the tenth house does not have any planet, we take the lord of the sign in which the tenth lord is placed in the Navansh chart. This planet is called Navansh Lord.
The results of various planets becoming Navansh lord are as given below.
The person concerned can earn through professions connected to perfumes, gold, wool, medicines and pharmaceuticals.
He is also successful as a doctor, healer, pharmacist, nurse or a drugstore owner.
Other professions suited to him are becoming a minister or advisor of defense related matters, big contractor etc.
The person gains from agriculture, liquids, pearl and corals, clothes etc.
Mars gives success in the following professions. Metal trade, metal forgings, metal parts, firearms, fireworks, fireman, engineer, foreman, military and police force, criminal lawyer, robbery, acrobat etc.
A person with Mercury associated with the tenth house, has the potential to become a successful writer, poet, mathematician, astrologer, priest, preacher, painter and artisan.
Jupiter connected to the tenth house promises success in archeology, history, preaching and proselytizing, overseeing a religious institution, judge in the court of law and as a senior lawyer.
The person enjoys success in professions connected to jewelry, livestock trading, milk and butter trade, hotel and restaurant business, fruits and fruit trading. Venus always shows gains through women.
Saturn brings success through professions connected to timber, wood, leather, trade unions and as lawyer.
The degree of success in the profession will depend on the strength of the planet concerned. A strong planet will eventually take a person to the epitome of his trade.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
The results of various planets becoming Navansh lord are as given below.
The person concerned can earn through professions connected to perfumes, gold, wool, medicines and pharmaceuticals.
He is also successful as a doctor, healer, pharmacist, nurse or a drugstore owner.
Other professions suited to him are becoming a minister or advisor of defense related matters, big contractor etc.
The person gains from agriculture, liquids, pearl and corals, clothes etc.
Mars gives success in the following professions. Metal trade, metal forgings, metal parts, firearms, fireworks, fireman, engineer, foreman, military and police force, criminal lawyer, robbery, acrobat etc.
A person with Mercury associated with the tenth house, has the potential to become a successful writer, poet, mathematician, astrologer, priest, preacher, painter and artisan.
Jupiter connected to the tenth house promises success in archeology, history, preaching and proselytizing, overseeing a religious institution, judge in the court of law and as a senior lawyer.
The person enjoys success in professions connected to jewelry, livestock trading, milk and butter trade, hotel and restaurant business, fruits and fruit trading. Venus always shows gains through women.
Saturn brings success through professions connected to timber, wood, leather, trade unions and as lawyer.
The degree of success in the profession will depend on the strength of the planet concerned. A strong planet will eventually take a person to the epitome of his trade.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
How to choose your profession? And change it if you are in a wrong one. Part-V
In the previous Blog we saw that Rashis and Planets can be grouped in different ways. Let us now see how we can use this information. The first step would be to examine the strength of planets in a horoscope and select the strongest one. Having done that we have to ascertain which category he belongs to, and in which Rashi (sign) he is placed.
In the third step we note down the category in which the Ascendant and the tenth house fall. This three step examination will reveal the predominance of one of the Tattwa or category in the chart.
If the Tattwa predominating is Fiery, the owner of the chart does well in professions that require intellect and mental agility. Such people are brilliant, diligent, courageous and mechanically oriented.
Earth element in predominance indicates success in professions requiring physical labor and hard work. Farming, construction industry, real estate and politics are professions that suit these people best.
A major influence of Airy element indicates success in literary areas, consulting, artistic, media related and publishing fields.
Finally a heavy influence of water element points to a changeable nature and frequently changing professions. It gives success in professions related to beverages, liquids, travel industry and shipping.
Use of tenth house in determining profession
Sages from ancient times like Garg and Varahmihir have opined that tenth house is the key determinant of profession. Tenth house from which ever is the stronger house between Lagna or Moon should be used for this purpose.
If tenth house is not populated or aspected by even one planet, it bodes ill for professional success. At least one planet makes one grow in social standing over a period of time. The degree of growth depends upon the strength of the planet. If the planet is exalted, in Mool Trikon or own Rashi the results are good. A planet in Neech Rashi also contributes to success but there is no stability.
Sun in the tenth house bestows ancestral property from the side of father. Moon here brings maternal property. Mercury brings wealth through friends. Jupiter in the tenth house gets help and benefits through brothers while Venus does the same thing through a woman. Saturn being the service oriented planet blesses one with benefits through loyal employees.
To be continued. . . . . . .
Rajiv Sethi
Bouquets and brickbats at,
Mobile consultation 9899589211. Website:
© 2016 copyright Your website for horoscopes, astrology, daily horoscope, love astrology and everything else.
In the third step we note down the category in which the Ascendant and the tenth house fall. This three step examination will reveal the predominance of one of the Tattwa or category in the chart.
If the Tattwa predominating is Fiery, the owner of the chart does well in professions that require intellect and mental agility. Such people are brilliant, diligent, courageous and mechanically oriented.
Earth element in predominance indicates success in professions requiring physical labor and hard work. Farming, construction industry, real estate and politics are professions that suit these people best.
A major influence of Airy element indicates success in literary areas, consulting, artistic, media related and publishing fields.
Finally a heavy influence of water element points to a changeable nature and frequently changing professions. It gives success in professions related to beverages, liquids, travel industry and shipping.
Use of tenth house in determining profession
Sages from ancient times like Garg and Varahmihir have opined that tenth house is the key determinant of profession. Tenth house from which ever is the stronger house between Lagna or Moon should be used for this purpose.
If tenth house is not populated or aspected by even one planet, it bodes ill for professional success. At least one planet makes one grow in social standing over a period of time. The degree of growth depends upon the strength of the planet. If the planet is exalted, in Mool Trikon or own Rashi the results are good. A planet in Neech Rashi also contributes to success but there is no stability.
Sun in the tenth house bestows ancestral property from the side of father. Moon here brings maternal property. Mercury brings wealth through friends. Jupiter in the tenth house gets help and benefits through brothers while Venus does the same thing through a woman. Saturn being the service oriented planet blesses one with benefits through loyal employees.
To be continued. . . . . . .
Rajiv Sethi
Bouquets and brickbats at,
Mobile consultation 9899589211. Website:
© 2016 copyright Your website for horoscopes, astrology, daily horoscope, love astrology and everything else.
Monday, December 7, 2009
How to choose your profession? And change it if you are in a wrong one. Part IV
Continuation of the previous Blog. . . . .
Prerequisites for aspiring entrepreneurs
We have discussed above the requirements for becoming wealthy. For becoming successful business person some thing more is required.
Mercury is the planet of trade and commerce. The seventh house is the house of trading it being the tenth from tenth house. It is also the house from where we consider buying of commodities.
Second house is the house of buying commodities in addition to being the house of wealth. If Mercury, seventh and second lords are strong, and not placed in 6,8,12 houses, and if benefic planets aspect these houses, a person will become a successful trader.
Basics of choosing a profession – Role of twelve signs
Hindu astrology divides the twelve Rashis (signs) into three categories. These are Movable, fixed and dual. Aries, Cancer Libra and Capricorn fall in the first category. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius fall in the second category while the third category comprises of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
Movable Rashis are dynamic in character and display dexterity, a practical approach to life and ability to get along well with people. They are extroverts and always aspire to reach the top. Very often they are successful in their endeavors.
Fixed Rashis display patience, perseverance and strength of character. Successful doctors, healers and bureaucrats are born in this category. Any well established business which works on traditional values is best suited for these individuals. Innovation is not their strong suit.
Dual Rashis are good at communication related professions. Teachers, media correspondents, anchor persons, commission agents, traders, lawyers, stock brokers etc. fall in this category. These persons should not try their hand at business.
This information can be used in more than one way. The stronger of Lagna or Moon falling in any one of these categories will make a person display the relevant characteristics and give a pointer to the likely profession.
This information can be used in another manner as well. If we find out which category gets most of the seven planets, (Rahu and Ketu are excluded from this list) we get a clue to the profession best suited to the individual. If one group is a clear winner, the decision making becomes easy.
If the distribution of planets in any two categories is near equal while the third category is less populated, then the planets with more power will tip the scale in favor of one group.
There is yet another grouping of Rashis and that is based on their essential nature. These natures are Fiery, Earthy, Airy and Watery. Here are the Rashis grouped according to their nature.
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth: Taurus, Virgo Capricorn
Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
The planets are divided into five categories and here is how they are grouped.
Fire: Sun, Mars
Earth: Mercury
Akash: Jupiter
Air: Saturn
Water: Moon, Venus
To be continued. . . . .
Rajiv Sethi
Bouquets and brickbats at,
Mobile consultation 9899589211. Website:
© 2016 copyright Your website for horoscopes, astrology, daily horoscope, love astrology and everything else.
Prerequisites for aspiring entrepreneurs
We have discussed above the requirements for becoming wealthy. For becoming successful business person some thing more is required.
Mercury is the planet of trade and commerce. The seventh house is the house of trading it being the tenth from tenth house. It is also the house from where we consider buying of commodities.
Second house is the house of buying commodities in addition to being the house of wealth. If Mercury, seventh and second lords are strong, and not placed in 6,8,12 houses, and if benefic planets aspect these houses, a person will become a successful trader.
Basics of choosing a profession – Role of twelve signs
Hindu astrology divides the twelve Rashis (signs) into three categories. These are Movable, fixed and dual. Aries, Cancer Libra and Capricorn fall in the first category. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius fall in the second category while the third category comprises of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
Movable Rashis are dynamic in character and display dexterity, a practical approach to life and ability to get along well with people. They are extroverts and always aspire to reach the top. Very often they are successful in their endeavors.
Fixed Rashis display patience, perseverance and strength of character. Successful doctors, healers and bureaucrats are born in this category. Any well established business which works on traditional values is best suited for these individuals. Innovation is not their strong suit.
Dual Rashis are good at communication related professions. Teachers, media correspondents, anchor persons, commission agents, traders, lawyers, stock brokers etc. fall in this category. These persons should not try their hand at business.
This information can be used in more than one way. The stronger of Lagna or Moon falling in any one of these categories will make a person display the relevant characteristics and give a pointer to the likely profession.
This information can be used in another manner as well. If we find out which category gets most of the seven planets, (Rahu and Ketu are excluded from this list) we get a clue to the profession best suited to the individual. If one group is a clear winner, the decision making becomes easy.
If the distribution of planets in any two categories is near equal while the third category is less populated, then the planets with more power will tip the scale in favor of one group.
There is yet another grouping of Rashis and that is based on their essential nature. These natures are Fiery, Earthy, Airy and Watery. Here are the Rashis grouped according to their nature.
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth: Taurus, Virgo Capricorn
Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
The planets are divided into five categories and here is how they are grouped.
Fire: Sun, Mars
Earth: Mercury
Akash: Jupiter
Air: Saturn
Water: Moon, Venus
To be continued. . . . .
Rajiv Sethi
Bouquets and brickbats at,
Mobile consultation 9899589211. Website:
© 2016 copyright Your website for horoscopes, astrology, daily horoscope, love astrology and everything else.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
How to choose your profession? And change it if you are in a wrong one. Part III
Continuation of the previous Blog. . . .
For example, consider a chart where for Virgo Lagna (ascendant), Lord Mercury is placed in the Navansh chart in Aries. Then if Mars (lord of Aries) is placed with Venus (ninth lord) in the birth chart, in any one of the 1,4,7,10,5 or 9 houses, the person will have self earned, high quality wealth. The element of self earned wealth coming from the Navansha lord of the sign in which Lagna Lord is placed.
In a similar vein if Lagna Lord, second and eleventh lords congregate in 1,4,7,10,5 or 9 houses and this combination is under aspect of a benefic planet, then too the person has huge amount of self earned wealth.
There is one common thread running through the Yoga mentioned above. The second and eleventh house should be conjunct with Lagna and placed in the Kendra or Trikon houses to be able to produce wealth. There is a special reason for that.
If the eleventh house of gain is connected to the second house of wealth, then a synergy develops in the two streams of money. Consider the profession of banking for example. Here, a person earns money by lending it at interest. The money earned and saved is now in the domain of second house which is connected to the eleventh house of earning so this money is now lent again to earn more money and so on. With each cycle there is an increase in wealth.
Let us take another profession of real estate. For a person to be successful as a realtor, the fourth house and its lord should be strong. Mars the significator for constructed buildings should be strong as well. If the person wants to deal in land transactions then it is important to have a strong Saturn also, as he signifies land. Most importantly, there should be a relationship between the Lagna, fourth, second and eleventh house lords. A person then becomes a self made millionaire.
A simple connection between Lagna and second lord also gives self earned wealth.
Special case of Leo and Aquarius Lagna
These two Lagna have a special characteristic. For both ascendants, the same planet becomes the lord of the second and eleventh houses. For Leo this planet is Mercury and for Aquarius, Jupiter. The second house is the house of value and for these two Lagna Mercury and Jupiter become the planets of value. They add value to whichever planets they associate with.
For example if for Leo Lagna, Mercury associates with the tenth Lord, he will add value to the house of profession by giving a high quality job, which pays well and gives status in society. Mercury joining the ninth lord will give a wealthy father and benefits from him. Same is true of Jupiter for Aquarius Ascendant also.
As always the strength of Mercury or Jupiter in Navansh, Shad bal, Shodash Varga, Ashtak Varga and Isht/Kasht Phal need to be ascertained. A weak planet will not allow the individual to prosper. In such cases it is advisable for the person concerned to perform the appropriate remedial measures and not pin his hopes very high about becoming wealthy.
To be continued.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
For example, consider a chart where for Virgo Lagna (ascendant), Lord Mercury is placed in the Navansh chart in Aries. Then if Mars (lord of Aries) is placed with Venus (ninth lord) in the birth chart, in any one of the 1,4,7,10,5 or 9 houses, the person will have self earned, high quality wealth. The element of self earned wealth coming from the Navansha lord of the sign in which Lagna Lord is placed.
In a similar vein if Lagna Lord, second and eleventh lords congregate in 1,4,7,10,5 or 9 houses and this combination is under aspect of a benefic planet, then too the person has huge amount of self earned wealth.
There is one common thread running through the Yoga mentioned above. The second and eleventh house should be conjunct with Lagna and placed in the Kendra or Trikon houses to be able to produce wealth. There is a special reason for that.
If the eleventh house of gain is connected to the second house of wealth, then a synergy develops in the two streams of money. Consider the profession of banking for example. Here, a person earns money by lending it at interest. The money earned and saved is now in the domain of second house which is connected to the eleventh house of earning so this money is now lent again to earn more money and so on. With each cycle there is an increase in wealth.
Let us take another profession of real estate. For a person to be successful as a realtor, the fourth house and its lord should be strong. Mars the significator for constructed buildings should be strong as well. If the person wants to deal in land transactions then it is important to have a strong Saturn also, as he signifies land. Most importantly, there should be a relationship between the Lagna, fourth, second and eleventh house lords. A person then becomes a self made millionaire.
A simple connection between Lagna and second lord also gives self earned wealth.
Special case of Leo and Aquarius Lagna
These two Lagna have a special characteristic. For both ascendants, the same planet becomes the lord of the second and eleventh houses. For Leo this planet is Mercury and for Aquarius, Jupiter. The second house is the house of value and for these two Lagna Mercury and Jupiter become the planets of value. They add value to whichever planets they associate with.
For example if for Leo Lagna, Mercury associates with the tenth Lord, he will add value to the house of profession by giving a high quality job, which pays well and gives status in society. Mercury joining the ninth lord will give a wealthy father and benefits from him. Same is true of Jupiter for Aquarius Ascendant also.
As always the strength of Mercury or Jupiter in Navansh, Shad bal, Shodash Varga, Ashtak Varga and Isht/Kasht Phal need to be ascertained. A weak planet will not allow the individual to prosper. In such cases it is advisable for the person concerned to perform the appropriate remedial measures and not pin his hopes very high about becoming wealthy.
To be continued.
Rajiv Sethi
Your questions and comments are very welcome. I also look forward to hearing from you about topics you want discussed. Please write to me at or visit my website at
I can also be reached at 011-91-(98-99-589211)
This article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the consent of the author.
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