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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Solar sign based compatibility – Why is it a big No in Vedic astrology? Part V

Continuation of previous Blog. . . . .

In certain cases mentioned below, the Nadi mismatch can be ignored.
  •     If the male and female charts have the same Rashi (Moon sign) but Nakshatra are different.
  •     If the two charts have the same Nakshatra but the Rashi are different.
  •     The Nakshatra are identical but the Nakshatra quarters are dissimilar.
We have so far discussed the eight parameters which should overlap as much as possible for a relationship to prosper.

To recap, the points allotted to each category are listed below.

Varna:1, Vashya:2, Tara:3, Yoni:4, Grah Maitri:5, Gana Maitri:6, Bhakoot:7 and Nadi:8. The sum of these points comes to 36.

While matching two charts, the points obtained in each category are totaled together. If the number of points is seventeen or lower, the relationship is doomed to failure and should be discarded. If two people get between 18 to 21 points, their relationship will be average. Both partners will have to display maturity to keep the relationship alive.

 22-28 points indicate a successful relationship, and anything above is considered excellent. This is the soul mate type of relationship and very rare.

In a male female relationship a lot of heartache can be avoided if one goes for chart matching prior to a long term commitment. This is especially true if a couple is considering having children together.

Children brought up by a single parent, remain deprived of complete parental love and this leaves large gaps in their emotional maturity. Sexual freedom for adults is important but its use for instant gratification is not without serious repercussions. The toll it takes on growing children is huge. The stability of a society rests on stable relationships. Crime in stable societies is far lower than in freewheeling ones.

If life is about making informed choices, it is extremely important that all methods available to help that process be examined before making one. Ashtkoot matching is an extremely helpful tool to do that.

Rajiv Sethi

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