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Friday, December 11, 2009

Solar sign based compatibility – Why is it a big No in Vedic astrology?

This equinoctial error or error due to our angular view of a planet is in fact left untouched in western astrology and that is why the predictions do not come true. Matching done on the basis of these shortcomings will be incorrect.

So how does it work in Hindu or Vedic astrology?

In Hindu astrology, two charts are matched on the basis of eight parameters. These are listed below along with their nearest English meaning. 

Varn, which describes the type of work a person is intellectually suited for. The four Varna are Brahmin, Vaishya, Kshatriya and Shudra. These correspond to intellectual, business, administrative and service class pf professions. The order of importance attributed to these professions is exactly in the order given above. In the male chart if Varna is equal or superior to the chart of the woman, the relationship gains one point.

This is followed by Vashya which translates as control. Out of twelve signs there are some which are not human. Human signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius, and except Leo they control all other signs.

Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces and all animal signs - Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio,  Capricorn and Pisces are controlled by Leo. Scorpio is an exception to this rule.

Human Signs consume signs like Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces. The later are therefore called Bhakshya (consumed) signs.

If two people have the same Vashya, they get two points. If one is Vashya and the other an enemy, one point is given and if one is Vashya and one is Bhakshya only half a point is obtained. If one is enemy and one Bhakshya, then no point is given.

The third parameter is Tara or constellation. The number of Nakshatra from the Nakshatra of the female partner to that of male partner is taken and divided by nine. A similar thing is done for the distance between male and female partner’s Nakshatra. If the remainder is three, five or seven, it is considered unpromising.

If both sets have unpromising remainders, no point is given. If one is favorable and the other unfavorable, one and a half points are given. If both are favorable, the relationship gains two points.

Rajiv Sethi

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