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Monday, February 8, 2010

How planets affect our lives through Dasha system? Part I

Free Vedic astrology article on Dasha System ....

We all know that Vedic astrology makes predictions on the basis of planets placed in different houses in a horoscope. This is done in different steps. A horoscope is made for the date and time of birth at a given place. The planets in the chart are then classified as favorable, unfavorable and neutral and their relationship to other planets is examined. Various Yoga present in the chart are also analyzed. Having done that, an astrologer has two tools available to him to predict future. The first is the unique planetary Dasha system which is a tribute to the Indian genius of combining spiritual with the practical. The other is the transit of the planets as they revolve around the Sun and move through various houses in the horoscope.

Dasha system can only tell us when the good or bad results promised by a planet will become visible. It can not bring about an event which does not exist in the horoscope.

It therefore becomes very important to make a comprehensive study of all planets, taking into account their placement, signification, yoga, shad Bal, Vimshopak Bal etc. Only then should we start applying the rules of the Dasha system to them. A Yoga is a promise shown by one or more planets and is like the time set in an alarm clock. It sounds when the correct time approaches. If no time has been set, the clock will tick away the time silently.  

Maharishi Parashar has given a large number of Dasha systems but only a few of these are in use today. The most widely accepted system is called Vimshottari and as its Sanskrit name suggests takes into account a total of 120 years which have been allocated differently to different planets. Nadi Granth like Bhrigu Samhita, Sapt Rishi Nadi and Chandra Kala Nadi also use this system.

I said above that the 120 years have been allocated to nine planets differently, meaning that different planets have different time spans for which they operate sequentially in a person’s life. The following list will make it clear.

Starting from Sun who governs for six years, the rest of the planet have these number of years to their name. Moon 10, Mars 7, Mercury 17, Jupiter 16, Venus 20, Saturn 19, Rahu 18, Ketu 7. Many scholars have written about the reasons for this unequal arrangement but these are long articles and appeal only to a few. I will therefore bypass these.

The Vimshottari system is intimately connected to Moon or more precisely to the longitude of the Moon at the time of birth. The degree of Moon in a sign tells us the Nakshatra through which Moon was transiting at the time when the child took his first independent birth in this world. Each Nakshatra is connected to a planet who then becomes the Dasha lord of the first Dasha. The other planets fall in to their place in a particular sequence.

This process can be better understood if we consider the first breath of a new born as the starting point for the ticking of her biological clock to begin. The exact position of Moon at that instant is recorded and the appropriate Dasha calculated. From then on when ever we need to check the state of the biological clock we only need to scrutinize the Dasha system. The biological clock becomes intimately linked to the calendar. A more marvelous system could not be found anywhere except in India.

In the next part of the Blog we shall take a look at how this works.

Rajiv Sethi

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