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Monday, January 24, 2011

Fine remedies for nine planets Part IV.

Free Vedic astrology article

Problems caused by Sun and their removal

Sun causes problems when a person is born in the Month of Kartik (October) This happens because Sun during this period transits his Neech Rashi or the sign of fall. People born on the day of solar eclipse also encounter difficulties caused by weak Sun. A birth taking place on a no Moon day, the day Sun transits the next sign also exposes a person to same set of problems.

Sun represents the soul, father and social status. His weakness will therefore impact on all these areas of one’s life. The acuteness will increase if the ninth or the tenth house lord is also weak.

The best remedy for Sun is to wash face immediately upon waking up and chant the Gayatri Mantra while facing the rising Sun. The chant count is 10 or 28.

After taking a shower, one should chant the Ganesh Dwadashnam Stotra from Mudgal Puraan and the Surya Kavach given by Yagyavalk Muni. Both are given below.

गणेश द्वादश् नाम  स्तोत्र
गणानांधिपश्चंडोगजवक्त्र  स्रिलोचनः।
प्रसन्नो भव मे नित्यं वरदातर्विनायक ॥
सुमुखश्चैक दन्तश्च कपिलो गज कर्णकः।
लम्बोदरश्च विकटो विघ्ननाशो  विनायकः।
ध्रूम्रकेतुर्गणाध्यक्षो भाल चन्द्रो गजाननः।
द्वाद्शैतानि नामानि गणेशस्य तु यः पठेत॥
विद्यार्थी लभते विद्या धनार्थी लभते धनं।
इष्ट कामं तु कामार्थी धर्मार्थी मोक्षं व्ययं॥
विद्यारंभे विवाहे च प्रवेशे निर्गमे तथा।
संग्रामे संकटे चैव विघ्नस्तस्य न जायते॥

सूर्य कवच
शृणुष्व मुनिशार्दूल सूर्यस्य कवचं शुभं।
शरीरा रोग्यदं  दिव्यं सर्व सौभाग्य दायकं॥
दैदीप्यमान मुकुटं स्फुरन्मकरकुण्डलं।
ध्यात्वा सहस्त्रकिरणं स्तोत्र मेत दुदीर येत् ॥
शिरो मे भास्करः पातु ललाटं मेऽमित द्युतिः।
नेत्रे दिन मणिः पातु श्रवणे वासरेश्वरः॥
घ्राणं घर्म घृणिः पातु वदनं वेद वाहनं।
जिह्वां मे मानदः पातु कण्ठं मे सुरवन्दितः॥
स्कन्धौ प्रभाकरः पातु वक्षः पातु जन प्रियः।
पातु पादौ द्वाद्शात्मा सर्वाङ्गं सकलेश्वरह्॥
सुस्नातो यो जपेत्सम्यग योऽ धीते स्वस्थमानसः।
स रोग मुक्तो दीर्घायुः सुखं पुष्टिं च विन्दति॥

To be continued…

Rajiv Sethi


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Friday, January 7, 2011

Fine remedies for nine planets Part - III

Free Vedic astrology article
A note on Yagya यज्ञ ceremony and fire offerings

Yagya यज्ञ or fire ceremony is an integral part of remedial measures. When ever a Mantra is chanted for the required number of times over a given period, it becomes incumbent on the person doing the Jap to end the ritual with a Yagya in which the number of offerings are exactly one tenth of the chant total. For example if one is chanting Saturn Mantra to reduce the extent of negative experiences by chanting the Mantra 23000 times in 40 days; then to get the best results one ought to perform a fire ceremony and offer 2300 offerings. This completes the chant process.

The offerings that are offered to the fire consist of the plant representatives of the nine planets. The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are sequentially represented by Ark, Dhaak, Kaththa, Apamarg, Peepal, Goolar, Shami, green grass and Kusha. Most of these plants are found mainly in South east Asia and their English names are not known. (to me)
A mixture of these herbs is available in a ready to use form in India and most Indian stores worldwide.

One may use the herb mixture with Ghee घी (clarified butter) or may add Ghee, rice, hung yogurt, पानी रहित दही and honey. In a remote place where nothing is available one can simply use Ghee घी.

Different planets have different chant counts and these must be adhered to closely. Best results are obtainable only through diligent, persistent and intelligent effort. It is pointless to waste time by cutting corners.

For pacification of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu the chant count is 7000, 11000, 10000, 19000, 19000, 6000, 23000, 18000 and 17000.

Planets and their figures
Each planet has a figure connected to it, and should be made on a wooden board, sand or a metal platter (preferably copper) before the Yagya. These figures are also available ready made on copper squares and can be used with advantage. Here is the sequence of planets and the figures.

Green Arrow
white pentagon
White crescent Moon
Yellow eight petal lotus
red circle
red triangle
multicolored pennant
black horse shoe
Grey fish

In the next Blog the Nav Grah Stotra

Rajiv Sethi

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E-Book on Saturn