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Monday, July 4, 2011

How is Saturn’s 2011, thirty month transit in Libra for you? Part 1

Saturn will enter Tula or Libra on November 15, 2011, and exit it on 3/11/2014. This is his Uchcha Rashi (exaltation sign) and he is powerful and happy when transiting it. Saturn is considered Paramochcha for the first 20º of Tula (Libra)

Tula spans two Padas of Chitra, four Padas of Swati and three Padas of Vishakha Nakshatra. The fourth Navansh of Swati and the second Navansh of Vishakha Nakshatra are Pushkar Navansh and will give excellent results when Saturn transits over these.

(The fourth Pada of Vishakha and second Pada of Anuradha falling in Vrishchik (Scorpio) Rashi are also Pushkar Navansh and here too Saturn’s results will be excellent.)

Saturn is the channel that relentlessly brings past life Karma to this life. He is the stern judge who shows no mercy. Tula is a Rashi that has the weighing balance as its symbol. When the planet of judgment passes through the sign of balance, it always means that scales will be balanced and justice delivered in full.

Jupiter at this point of time is placed in Aries and aspects Saturn with his seventh house aspect. Jupiter represents the law both divine and earthly. Saturn too aspects Jupiter with his seventh house aspect. The mutual aspect of two major slow moving planets – one representing the law and the other judgment – signifies that the judgment day for the humanity has arrived. In the times to come the justice will be delivered and the wrongdoers punished. Since Saturn signifies imprisonment, it is certain that the corrupt and the crooked will be put away for good.

According to the tenets of Hindu astrology, the transit effects of planets are seen from the Moon. These results are given below and are both good and bad for different Chandra Lagna (Lunar ascendant).

Saturn is primarily a planet of separation and causes a chasm between a person and the significations of the house or house lord which comes under his influence. He gives favorable results in the third, sixth and eleventh house from the Moon. In other houses the results are either neutral or unfavorable. Of the unfavorable results, those pertaining to Saturn’s transit through the fifth and the eighth house are really misery producing.

Passing through the fifth house from Moon, Saturn causes a separation between the native and the happiness on account of children. It can be a physical separation or one caused by disease, injury etc. The third aspect of Saturn falls on the seventh house and disturbs the relationship with the life partner or spouse. The seventh aspect falls on the eleventh house of financial gains and reduces the income. Finally the tenth house aspect falls on the second house of wealth and causes the saved money to be spent. Credit cards get maxed and one is hard put to meet the expenses.

When Saturn passes through the eighth house of longevity, and Saturn is not the lord of this house, there is usually a high possibility of an accident or illness. The third aspect of Saturn falls on the tenth house and curtails professional success. The seventh house aspect falls on the second house of wealth and causes bank balance to be slowly reduced to almost nothing. Finally the tenth aspect falls on the fifth house and causes unhappiness on account of children. Because these two transits are so problematical they are called ‘Kantak Shani’ (Kantak=A thorn, Shani=Saturn)

To be continued.

Rajiv Sethi

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Astrology Of Spirituality - Why some people renounce the world and become monks Part II

Free Vedic astrology article 

Continuation of the previous Blog part

The three planets of separation
Sun, Saturn and Rahu are three planets that represent separation; in as much as they tend to separate the person from the traits represented by that house. Which ever planet or house they influence, a person becomes devoid of the results of those houses.

The lord of the twelfth house also acts as a separating planet and should be given the same weightage as three planets mentioned above.

Dharm, Arth, Kaam and Moksh

The terms Dharm, Arth, Kaam and Moksh translate as righteous duty, production of wealth, enjoyment of life and freedom from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. The first house in a chart is the house of Dharm, followed by Arth, Kaam and Moksh in the second third and the fourth houses. This cycle repeats thrice. The ascendant, fifth and the ninth houses become the Dharma houses. The second, sixth and tenth houses become the houses of Arth. The third, seventh and eleventh houses become the houses of Kaam, and fourth, eighth and twelfth houses that of Moksh. Which ever category has the maximum number of planets becomes the over riding concern of the person. Thus if someone has more planets in the Moksh houses, the chances are that s/he will be interested in Hinduism or Buddhism. A preponderance of planets in the Dharma houses will make a person religion minded.

The three Lagna or ascendants


We all know that Ascendant is the most important house in Hindu astrology, but equal importance is attached to Chandra (Moon) and Surya (Sun) Lagna as well. Accuracy of prediction demands that results be seen from all the three ascendants and then combined to come to a definite prediction.

Yoga for renunciation

If the Lagna, the second, the fourth and the seventh houses are heavily influenced by any two or more of Sun, Saturn, Rahu and the twelfth lord, a person loses interest in the world and becomes a renunciant. It is important that this happens in at least two out of the three ascendants.

The chart given here is of Swami Ram Krishna Paramhansa who is one of the greatest saints of modern times. Let us apply the rules for renunciation mentioned above to this chart. Venus becomes the dispositor (lord of the sign occupied by Saturn) for exalted Saturn in the ninth house, as also for Ketu in the 4th house. This Venus is placed in exaltation in the second house of family disrupting family life. 

Rahu - a planet of separation - aspects both Venus and the second house from the tenth house. In addition to this Rahu aspects the fourth house of home, and hearth. It must be noted here that Rahu is the dispositor of exalted Mars placed in the 12th house. Saturn placed in the 10th house from Mars also influences it negatively.Rahu thus separates Swami Ji from The domestic life for good.

The seventh house gets the 8th house aspect of Mars while 8th lord Mercury also aspects it. The seventh house thus also becomes afflicted.

Sun, and Moon are placed in the ascendant so all three Lagnas are one and the same. The conditions for renunciation or Sanyas are thus fulfilled from all Lagnas.

If we look at the distribution of planets in the horoscope we see that five planets are placed in Dharma houses, and two in the Moksha houses. The overwhelming majority of planets thus favor renunciation.

There are three exalted planets in the chart and Jupiter is very close to exaltation. The energy of these planets made him a spiritual giant of his time, and he is still revered all over India.

Rajiv Sethi


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E-Book on Saturn